Did you ever want to play questions?

I don’t think I can claim 30anything anymore… Isn’t hard to look in your 30’s with gray hair?

Isn’t that why The Rawrchitect can’t ever seem to find that last bug?

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Didn’t I just make this so I could reply to you?

And don’t we just think that @OtherMichael is older because he has so many babbies?


Surely that’s the only reason?

Have you ever seen any of the winning entries from the Obfuscated Perl Code contest? Did I ever mention inheriting undocumented code that looked pretty similar?

Third Place, Most Creative, 1 st Annual Obfuscated Perl Contest: David Powell, for a curses-based real-time skiing game.

undef $/;open(,$0);/ \dx([\dA-F]*)/while(<>);@&=split(//,$1);@/=@&;
$“.=chr(hex(join(”",splice(@&,0,2))))while(@&); eval$”;

($C,$,@)=(($a=$/[1]4)5+1, q| |x(0x20).q|||.chr(32)x(0x10).q$$.
chr(0x20)x(0x10).(pack(“CC”,124,10)), sub{s/.|(\s
?)(\S)./|$1 $2/},
sub{s/|(\s*?).(\S)/ |$1$2 /}, sub{$2.$1.$3},sub{$tt=(3*$tt+7)%$C},
while ($
) {
select $/, undef, $/, $C/1E3;
(sysread(STDIN, $k, 1),s/(.)(*)(.)/(&{$[(ord($k)-44&2)+2]})/e)
if (select($a=chr(1),$/,$/,0));

print 0x75736520504F5349583B2024743D6E657720504F5349583A3A5465726D696F73

(&{$[3]}<$/[1])&&(s/ |$/|/);


Didn’t I once inherit code which had a ludicrous level of nested loops, so they dumped half of it into another module purely to get their McCabe score down to pass review criteria?

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Wasn’t I doing better?

I’m thirty-seven, I’m not old!


Ed: not really though. I had a bday recently.

Have you ever found a module nested several layers down that did nothing but return what it was passed, with a comment saying #Might do something in future. ?


Aren’t some of us a bit older than 37?


Did you know that part of my day was cleaning up code that was only dumping the exception.Message into the logs, instead of exception.ToString() ?


And didn’t it previously fill up my logs with these useful nuggets of wisdom?

[excep] 10:49:02 AM paulukmi An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
[excep] 10:51:40 AM paulukmi An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
[excep] 11:02:25 AM paulukmi An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
[excep] 11:03:11 AM paulukmi An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.


Is that why you’re so grouchy today? (Can I double like your last post now that you edited it?)

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Didn’t fixing that improve my mood?

(My mood may have more to do with coding personal projects until midnight, waking up several times a night to deal with various babby and youngling issues, and having my alarm go off at 6am than I’d care to admit to my wife.)

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Didn’t I write one of those… within the last hour?

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Is it obvious what might go there in the future, or are you just mean spirited?

Wouldn’t the obvious answer be “yes”?


Who’s on first?

Isn’t it amusing that I work in healthcare, and “McCabe score” means two wildly different things depending on who you’re talking to?

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Wouldn’t the Spark Examiner have flagged that? (as a flow error?)

BTW, has anybody actually welcomed @RatMan to this thread, much less the bbs?