Wouldn’t it just be easier to select “new” posts from the top menu?
Is that another excellent tool? Yep.
Also the posts at the bottom of the page. If you want it to count in your stats for Regular, you might want to only read within the last 100 days?
Holy hell, how did that happen?
Isn’t that how I do it, too?
Although some of the specifics are different for me, haven’t you just described my new MO?
Probably? I bet you’re almost there?
I am off to the first of two shows today, anyone want to wish me a Break Your Skull You Hack?
Break it? Smash it!
Can you imagine, it’s even worse than that? Wasn’t I a teenager in a long, flowing nightgown and somehow there was an ant infestation in the house where I was staying, so that I was sitting at the table eating breakfast and all of sudden realized that a colony of ants was flowing up the nightgown and had reached my hands (presumably for the food)? Didn’t I shriek and tear off my nightgown, directly in front of a younger brother I wasn’t related to? Doesn’t that give you some idea of how freaked out I was? Especially considering the fact that I was an avid backpacker, so non-stinging insects have never bothered me?
Isn’t that quite the perfect little chart? How’d you get there?
Hamburger at the upper right, Users?
Based on your chart, aren’t I solidly in second-to-last place?
There’s a hamburger at the upper right?
Overall? I dunno.
I know it’s Favorited/Favorites/Replies/PostsOfTotalRead/PostsOfCommentsRead
Or something like that?
The three horizonal lines?
Ant-based PTSD?
Is it because I’m a vegetarian that I never thought of that stack as being a hamburger?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Wouldn’t I have done the same thing?
When did the BBS change it’s favicon?