Aren’t we surprised @Falcor isn’t here right now, admonishing us for our insolence? Perhaps we should offer a preemptive ear scratching?
Or will he chase us, anyway?
Aren’t we surprised @Falcor isn’t here right now, admonishing us for our insolence? Perhaps we should offer a preemptive ear scratching?
Or will he chase us, anyway?
Isn’t it more of a “he knows what we are up to and where so it helps prevent shenanigans in other places” strategy?
So, he’s managed to get all the trouble-makers in one place, where we can’t cause real trouble?
Also, what do you guys think is the average number of likes awarded on the board? Do you think they keep up with such things?
Do we need a deep thoughts thread?
Why did an image of Falcor herding a bunch of kittens just pop into my head?
Oh crap, is @OtherMichael simply an aspect of @falcor designed to lure us into games we can’t win!?
Isn’t that all of us? Aren’t we adorable?
When did you become such a low-brow snob?
Who doesn’t like The Rite of Spring or Tales of Hoffman?
Do you think I’d be allowed to confirm or deny this?
On a totally unrelated subject, how messed up is it that anti-vaxxers had a table set up at my school yesterday? The first time I passed by, I saw some signs about religious and educational freedom, and wondered what that was about, but on my return trip, didn’t I see their anti-SB-277 signs and realize what they were doing? And didn’t I keep my mouth shut and go on my merry way, since speaking to them would only serve to make me angry at their stupidity?
Couldn’t you at least tell them they were a bunch of idiots who want to kill everyone with their own infection stupidity?
Is @OtherMichael trying to create a rival to Yahoo Answers?
More like The Wrong Of Spring, amirite?
Okay, wait a flippan’ second–you like that pretentious know-it-all Stravinsky but turn your nose up at jazz flute?
I’m signing you up for a prank Columbia CD club membership, would ya like that buster?
What if I like that bit of music? But then again I like (tolerate? revel in the cheesiness?) Mrs. Miller, so what do I know?
Aren’t I obviously twerking Michaels nose? (Can you get that image out of your mind?)
Couldn’t you walk up to the table and just cough, scratch, and sneeze in an uncontrollable manner?
Do I now need a brain brillo brushing?
Is @OtherMichael trying to create Boing Boing Questions?