Isn’t it apt that the cat was called Sprinkles?
Are you talking about the number of views? Can we really fix that by talking about cat donuts? Why not push for the highest reply to view ratio?
Would a cat donut be tuna flavored?
Wouldn’t you sprinkle cat nip on top?
Or bonito flakes?
Did I not also make an appeal to the all-important hex-wrench demographic?
Is one who hexes a cat into a doughnut an artist, maker, or simply a tinkerer?
Is she not a witch? Should we burn her?
A cake-modder?
How about a new hi-tech long-form who-dunnit series that teams up a legendary Silicon Valley CEO with a reclusive do-it-yourselfer? Call it Sculley and Modder.
Can you see me cringing over here?
How long have I been procrastinating on here today? Can someone wish me luck before I take off to have a very uncomfortable but necessary conversation with a relative?
Is ‘good luck!’ sufficient?
Yes, but doesn’t my 10Q have a whole different meaning?
Is it just me, or the phase of the moon? Did someone unlock the secret door under the bridge and let a whole bunch of trolls out? I know I am relatively new, but is this normal or cyclical here? Do I need an industrial strength whole body condom?
Won’t it have to be?
Are you sure about that?
How do we go about it?
Statute of limitations has long run out on my youthful misdeeds. Thank FSM, right?
Can I give you either a hug, a firm and hearty handshake, or a hand written note?