Did you ever want to play questions?

Wouldn’t that mean I’d have to go outdoors?


Any of you SoCal types see that Trident missile launch near LA tonight?

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Wuuuut? Is that what I get for staying indoors?

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Why do I feel that the past 4 days have been a perfect embodiment of Dickens’ classic opener*?

*It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

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WoT: I hear you, did I mention that the surgery went great but there’s concern it may have metasized in the lung but I won’t know until I can get a cat scan?

BoT: The kids and I built a plane in Kerbal, flew it to an island and then realized we wasted a car there so the Kerbals could go to the beach (in spacesuits), so we strapped a rover to the top of another plane, flew it over and parachuted it off the back, how awesome is that for family time?


How the heck does it go from “lump-down-here-we-need-to-check-out-but-don’t-really-know” to “maybe-causing-issues-way-up-here” ?

(signed, scared-and-confused)

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@Mindysan33 - have you seen this?

Frank Gossner: The archaeologist of African vinyl

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Have you heard of “metastasizing”? Don’t worry, I hadn’t either, but these are cells in the end, so they get carried by the blood stream to various places and can take hold.

Now, the weird part is that it’s still testicular cancer, just taking place in the lungs, not lung cancer, and isn’t that a weird story to tell the kids on the internet? I’m also waiting on the biopsy to figure out exactly what that lump was, Wednesday is the follow up, so won’t you stay tuned?


Hadn’t I assumed everyone knew?
I’m sorry for your diagnosis, but hopeful for treatment for you!


I had heard of it, but did I think that it just meant local-region colonizations?

(yes, I did)

Testicular cancer, in your lungs? There’s got to be a joke in there somewhere, right?


Isn’t this coming on with an aunt but with breast cancer cells? and why wouldn’t we stay tuned?


Aren’t you sweet for thinking of me?

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Thanks! It’s not official yet, as I’ve only been poring over records myself, but it’s what I expect we’ll talk about at our next meeting, you know?

[quote=“OtherMichael, post:13410, topic:54417”]
Testicular cancer, in your lungs? There’s got to be a joke in there somewhere, right?
[/quote]Don’t you know I’ve been trying to work on one for days now, days?! Still got nothing. It’s nuts.

[quote=“Mindysan33, post:13411, topic:54417”]
and why wouldn’t we stay tuned?
[/quote]You don’t have better things to do? I can think of some… :slight_smile:


Well, but aren’t a people centered person and I want to know that you’re okay? Don’t I just want to say FUCK CANCER and let you know that I hope you’re okay?


Now who’s bring sweet for thinking of me? Fuck cancer indeed.


Should we all be like this all the time because the world is a shitty place and makes me very sad most of the time? Doesn’t caring about others make me feel better and hopefully make others feel better?


You don’t know how much all this means to me? That you guys are awesome?


Don’t I hope it’s at least a little comfort in this tough time, us knuckleheads?


So, last night, my eldest is acting wacky at bedtime and slams his dresser drawer shut and catches his little brothers finger in it causing a great big gash and a trip to the ER, right? Xrays tell us its not broken and they could glue it back together, right?