Don’t you just need to make all comments here in the form of a question? Isn’t it hard to think of ways to do that, but that’s part of the fun?
Ah, why did I not think about that?
Do you all need a really well meant excuse from me?
Do you want to accept it?
Isn’t it all good as long as you do the right thing moving forward?
That would be wonderful, isn’t?
May I say thanks?
Aren’t thanks entirely unnecessary? Aren’t you welcome? Isn’t all right with the thread now?
Did you noticed I feel welcome?
Is receiving, well meant thanks, nice sometimes?
Aren’t I happy that you feel welcome? Aren’t we generally a happy bunch of mutants, glad to accept all the weirdos?
Do I feel happy about you feeling happy?
Is it me, or does the word ‘happy’ looks really strange when seen often in a sentence?
Do I really, really like the bunch of happy mutants over here?
Awwwww, doesn’t this give me the warm fuzzies?
Isn’t it great that the absolute worst punishment, or perhaps greatest accomplishment in this thread is to get an original Donald?
Feck, after 13k comments isn’t that almost a sisphysian task?
Should I be feeling honoured?
And is a bit mutant not used to push rocks?
Did I really just spend the last 8 hours driving three 8th graders to a suburban shopping mall for Black Friday?
And was it an outdoor mall, with rain all day and temperatures hovering just above the 32ºF threshold so it never turned to snow? And the few directories were impossible to read due to condensation? And the promised wifi didn’t work, and I neglected to manually download some unread books prior to leaving, assuming I could just do it while I was there? Also, no places to sit? And don’t I hate crowds, especially suburban crowds (they don’t seem to understand the concept of sharing space with other human beings, which necessitates looking where one is going)?
Don’t I wish I could come home to love and understanding, instead of snipes about “why didn’t you come back sooner to make dinner?”?
(Sorry to rant…I’m exhausted.)
Didn’t I just brave the mall to buy a bowl large enough to make trifle for 24? And didn’t I buy the only damn thing that was on sale? Upside we were in and out in under an hour… but we still had to pay for parking, so… its a wash?
Also, I’m sorry, that sounds like hell.
Can I say, as a dude reclining on a silk feather bed with an enormous fat cat on my back that I wish I could halp?
A trifle for 24!?
That’s hardly a trifle at al!?
Oh my… he looks so much like my guy… we lost two years ago… does he purr louder than a thunder storm?
Are you trying to make friends with MrsTobinL?
Is that why we stayed home, and only forced the kids to get dressed in the afternoon for some outside-time (seriously, my daughter took off her PJs at 7am and wandered around in her diaper for 7 hours. whatever.) because it was in the lower-sixties, and I raked some leaves, kept the babby from running into the street (a close call, once, the sneaky scamp) and totally blew it watching him forehead-plant, giving him a goose-egg to match his brothers from earlier in the week?
Is that where all the nice weather Seattle usually has went to?
Hmm, wonder what that dark stuff is over there?
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