I guess that makes @TobinL and me winners…but of what?
Can you see me raising my hand?
Does that make you run out of likes?
@othermichael - something new to gameify?
Will you still love me?
Will you leave this as a question?
Are you now or have you ever been a question?
Were you a question when you came here?
Will you be a question when you leave?
To leave, or not to leave, do that be the question?
If it doesn’t have a question mark, is it still a question.
If it does not have a question mark, is it still Donald-able?
<does that work if you leave the spaces in?>
Do you think it drives @codinghorror crazy when we thoroughly test new and undocumented features?
How could it not?
Isn’t that a bit rhetorical?
only a bit?
<can I put spaces inside?>
Why not?
Did Sen. Ted Kennedy confidante and former Dem Nat’l Committee chair just endorse Sen. Sanders for POTUS?
Did I misparse that and wonder if Sanders had got an endorsement from beyond the grave?
Is misparse a word?
Was I so excited I forgot to type Paul Kirk’s name?
Do you know the penalty for not asking a question?
Can you believe I hit your reply button, and not @hello_friends?
From now on, regardless of who I am talking to, am I not considering just replying to you?
Did I do something wrong already?
Have you received a penalty? Wanna see a penalty?