Did you ever want to play questions?

How do you pronouce PNG?

I think someone has something they’d like to say?

Does anyone else remember Pang?


Ever play Bruce Lee?

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Wasn’t that just the best goddamned game? C64?

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I wonder how it holds up? Do I want to spoil my childhood c64 memories?

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Or perhaps just ruin the joyous memories of this old war horse?

Did you know bojack horseman wasn’t even considered for a part in warhorse?

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If you find a working copy, can you let me know?

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Won’t Satan make you kill other kids if you play that game?

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Not even with the photo and splatter could I get this?

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Could you make his trousers fall down?

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(Post deleted due to having internal filter temporarily disabled?)

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@othermichael so, how many Star Wars films are there?

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How many George Lucas trilogies are there?

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How much work is it to create the Easter eggs @OtherMichael is adding to his jpgs?

Could it be as simple as adding a title attribute?

<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/boingboing/original/3X/c/6/c636bb32e5142ac284e3f913ceed3f061af13d6d.png" width="690" height="450" title="Your name starts with loser and ends with loser and has loser in the middle.&#013;And you live in loserville.&#013;And your house burned down.">

I’ve been doing this for a month now, and you’re the first person who’s noticed?



Does the Holiday Special count?

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