Didn’t TNH use to get irritable when I’d do that with M-x dissociated-press
? (Although I’d strip out everything but the comment-body. I’m really annoyed I can’t easily get an entire page now so I could automate such a thing. grrrrr.)
Wasn’t my search term “beat generation”, and wasn’t that little bit of awesomeness tucked in between all the beat poets and whatnot?
Does anybody want a unicorndog?
I just spent 15+ minutes searching for this, and now can’t remember the thread I was searching for it for:
Oh, there it is.
The tab that was still open.
Silly me.
Oh boy, how excited am I to be starting spring semester classes this morning?
What up? Anyone else build and bookcases all weekend when not dealing with snow? And anyone else have trouble putting their days worth of photos into a timelapse?
Just me? Weird.
Did anyone else measure the space around the fridge 3 times before finally deciding on which model of replacement to buy? Does anyone wonder why the top freezer models are so much cheaper than the bottom freezer models?
Doors are cheaper than drawer slides designed to hold a hundred pounds of frozen beef? Also, the freezer top models don’t really have any R&D costs to move all the gear around and they’re trying to move that stock faster.
Was school fun today? Too early to judge?
Shouldn’t you feel bad for making me google “sexy tetris”?
There are other kinds of tetris?
What is going on with this universe?!
Wasn’t prof #1 very nice, smiley, personable, and a good speaker?
Wasn’t prof #2 nice, but a little bit of a slow-talker, but I’m sure I’ll live through it?
Didn’t I run into a friend between classes?
Didn’t she introduce me to someone in my second class, and didn’t this new person and I have a nice chat?
Didn’t I spend an annoyingly large sum of money on textbooks, but didn’t the school finally disburse my fall scholarship money, so I came out slightly ahead?
So overall, didn’t I have a good day? [I did, thanks for asking!]
Has it really been only 5 days of gamerbutt? Didn’t it seem longer?
Why is it that reading one short MRA/GG thread feels like hours of your life essence being sucked away?
Do you think that if I keep pointing out how I am a logical programmer who programs logically all day long which makes me even more of a logical programmer that I can pass of my logical fallacies as logical facts?
(P.S. don’t become a programmer - it makes you SUPER logical! Also totally non-sexist. A lot of dudes are like logical programmers and will totally back me up in this. Unless they cherry pick the data.)
Is Logic the White Programmer Man’s Burden?
Can I just say congratulations to @daneel for winning the strategic butt-covering thread? Could there ever have been a more perfect finale?
Is anyone else going to spend their evening watching Wil Wheaton play an RPG on Twitch?