Did you ever want to play questions?

Was that the image that showed up as just a white rectangle with a broken link symbol in the top corner?

Did you know I still can’t see what it is?

You can’t see a photo of a gnomish, Star Wars-y type gentleman?

Did you do something to fix it, or did it just magically appear finally? Or was my monitor playing tricks on me until just now?

@system’s fault?

Probably the hotlink didn’t work, but now it’s been cached and everything’s gravy, perhaps?

How did we go from pubs to roommates?

Have you never heard of Three’s Company, a sitcom about a man who becomes roommates with two women by pretending to be gay so the landlord doesn’t think there’s something untoward going on? Do you remember that on TV in the 1970s young adults of varying genders couldn’t live together unless they were legally married?

Did you not know they were all regular customers at the Regal Beagle? And didn’t you know that the opening line of the theme song is “Come and knock on our door”?

Did you just crawl out from under a rock? :wink:


In my defense, can I state that I never had a tolerance for that show?

And can I respond that I respect you more, kind stranger, for having that response?

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Isn’t that Man about the House?


Didn’t I hear that Man About the House was actually funny?


Would you accept that I have no idea, never having seen it or Three’s Company? Too young, would you believe?

However, would it surprise you that I think Till Death Do Us Part was better than what I’ve seen of All in the Family?

Did I mention Daniel and the Blonde were terrific tonight?

I’m watching Transcendence. It’s a bit crap, isn’t it?

Isn’t that against the BBS TOS?

Here’s your hat; what’s your hurry?

Isn’t that against the BBS TOS?

Is it as crap as Interstellar (which is what we watched last night), with its Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack, gaping plot holes and ponderous pacing?

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You don’t like the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack? What sort of heathen are you?

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Didn’t you know that a significant number of U.S. hits were appropriated from U.K. shows?

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Are most people still unaware that Star Trek was based on Dr. Who? Or The Waltons was derived from If the Royal Family lived on a Mountain in the American South and were Hillbillies ?