Discarded gloves on the ground, a new coronavirus pet peeve of many

The sad part is that this doesn’t need to happen because most people don’t need to wear gloves. Just think about what you are touching, wash your fucking hands, and don’t touch your face until you have washed them. Most people who wear gloves will wear them too long, touch too many things with them and end up contaminating way more than they would have if they were just careful.


I think every time I go to the grocery store I see someone with gloves adjusting their mask, touching their phone, then touching the vegetables.

There are two things going on here. One is that people don’t understand how skin works. And the other is people are extremely scared right now. Scared people do things that don’t make a lot of sense.


Eastern Washington state here. I have seen gloves in parking lots of stores.

On a slightly different, but related note, I’m baffled by the variation in rules at stores. This weekend I had to go pick up some supplies including a new hard drive for a laptop that went kablooey and stuff for my mom to make more masks. At Office Depot you aren’t allowed inside without a mask. Across the street there is a Joann’s Fabrics where they have run out of elastic of a size one might use to make the ear loops on masks, and yet not one employee was wearing a mask and I was the only customer wearing a mask.

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While gross, they are generally not possibly covered in an infectious disease that can kill people. The people who now have to go and pick up possibly contaminated gloves and masks are being put a even higher risk AGAIN, in a way that a dirty diaper does not. This is no longer about littering, but about endangering lives.

I do, every fucking time. We also make an effort not to touch our faces, not to touch things we don’t plan to buy, and we take off our masks and gloves, wipe our hands down and dispose of them in a bag we bring home with us to throw away at home, because we’re not monsters who don’t give a shit about others.


I try and take a 2 mile walk every day. Since we are not traveling to any parks or beaches just now we can in our Sunnyside San Francisco neighborhood. Lately been counting PPE’s per mile. Today was an average of 4 gloves an 2 masks per mile. The other day a full bunny suit. image image|500x500

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One eon our (Human) foot print will be a blib of existence on this rock.

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Does it fit?

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