Disney announces huge theme park expansions

I usually end up forgetting; but I always try to make a mental note of the cases where I’m tempted to use “just” in a sentence that would end up having that word elide an entire discipline that falls somewhere on the spectrum from “hard” to “we really need something better than humans working on that”.

The number has a habit of climbing faster than is entirely comforting before I lose track of it.


“Just” software requires scare quotes :wink:


It’s not like they’d be developing the software from scratch though. It’s more like releasing a new level for an existing video game. They’ve released a number of newly updated adventures for the Star Tours ride in the five years since “Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run” opened.

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What probably adds a lot of time is that I’ll bet they had to hire a whole new team of folks to work on it because the ones who had created the existing mission (and had come very close to finishing other missions) back in 2019 have moved on to other projects, and in many cases other companies. You lose a lot of efficiency when a new team of people needs to get trained up.


Ah, don’t mind me, I’m just fooling around.

Besides, what’s the opposite of hardware?


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