DIY double-decker RV angering neighbors in Seattle

Didn’t you watch the video? They got more freedoms than us!

Just dump it down the drain.

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I know this sounds like snark, but it looks like a really unsafe sukkot mobile.

I wish this was the story and not more sadness related to housing unaffordability.

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I mean, it would be very satisfying if that was the case, but I drive by enough remodeled RVs and extended outdoor storage on my commute home that I’m pretty sure this is just somebody modifying their living situation with materials on hand.

The RVs are by and large non mobile and a complete hazzard, but where are people going to go? I live in the “affordable” housing area and it’s really not affordable even with the higher minimum wage. Everyone wants to push the homeless problem someplace else, but no one seems to be able to create an actual solution by providing no condition housing. Seems like we’re all too concerned for their well being to actually provide help, so our community is stuck with this eyesore.


Yep, we’ve proven pretty conclusively that no-condition housing leads to rehabilitation.

That we don’t do it, just means we’re more concerned about appearances than helping people.


Hard same. I got evicted a few years ago and had 29 days to find someplace to go. Ended up getting lucky by aiming low and was able to snag a house in an undesirable location under budget with no bidding war. Not everyone would want to live right next to the airport though. But it means no one complains about my chickens or the constant power tool use.


Yes. Much better to continue to use drug laws to lock up the poors and Black folks at incredibly high rates rather than treating drug addiction as what it actually is - a public health problem. Also, it’s better to continue to let housing prices spiral out of control because we must preserve the “free market” at all costs, rather than actually ADDRESS the root problem of many of our social issues, which is poverty, racism, and economic inequality driven by the free market economy. Truly, the only REAL problem is good white people with wealth being bothered by the existence of people who are lesser than them for not being born lucky… /s

Bob Odenkirk Whatever GIF by SAG Awards

You can look at people and just tell they are not actually poor now? That’s some magical power you got there… the ability to see people’s bank accounts just by looking at them! Incredibly!

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YES. Some of them are, because one can be poor and addicted to opioids! Shocking I know!


It’s clear from the things you mention that you read what people wrote. But it’s much less clear that you understood what they said.

What an epic (if stereotypical) derail. Are the people in this RV leaving piles of needles anywhere?


This is you:

You started off with a negative comment directed at people you don’t even know in a community that’s unfamiliar with you, and your comments have only gotten more hostile with each post.

That’s not just ‘stating your opinion’; it’s negative attention seeking behavior, and it’s against the code of conduct here.


There are working poor living in tents on the streets of L.A. Also living there are their children, who are recognised by the LAUSD and are given spaces in the school system despite their not having a proper roof over their heads.

I know you’d like to pretend every unhoused person is a drug addict and criminal and that the kind of environment that emerges from a housing emergency has nothing to do with causing their behaviour. It’s a convenient fiction for white conservatives living in McMansion exurbs or in dying towns in Ameristan, but that’s not how anyone who takes urbanism seriously looks at the situation.

No. Obviously there are drug addicts and criminals amongst the unhoused, but you’re implying that everyone living on the street is a drug addict contributing to the kind of squalor you fled for your small town or suburban whiteopia when that’s simply not the case.



You are talking about the decriminalization, right? They did not just starting handing out drugs to people… they made drug possession a misdemeanor rather than a felony. The reality is that people who do drugs are going to do drugs. If someone is addicted to something like heroin, do you honestly think they are MORE likely to seek out treatment if they know it can get them life in prison as opposed to a slap in the wrist and a fine. The state never said it was going to take over treatment for addiction. They are still relying on the same private networks to do that in fact. But now those organizations can do things like hand out clean needles in order to ensure that they cut down on the transmission of serious disease and maybe steer people into treatment programs too.

Dude. No one fucking said that. Not a single person here are pro needles on your beaches. But if you’re seriously arguing that this NEVER happened prior to decriminalization or does not happen now in places without decriminalization laws, then you’re just flat out wrong.

Again, can you look at someone and make some sort of division between those who are the working poor down on their luck and “criminals”… Are you saying that crime has no connection to poverty and lack of choices? Because reality says that you’re wrong on that point.

You really need to stop putting words into people’s mouths.


Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Okay. Clearly, you’ve decided that there are good people like you and evil people who steal shit, and there is no complexity or nuance. Just good people and bad people. Good luck with that, I guess.

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One can only hope.

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because it was clear that people like the ones in this comments thread, making excuses for highly dangerous and illegal behavior, are going to continue to fuel the crumbling of cities on the West Coast.

From your first post, attacking people here you thought were wrong.

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I’ll take ‘Things Literally NO ONE In This Thread Has Said’ for 500, Alex…


I love this! It also seems like he’s building a pontoon boat and collecting chairs and couches? I think the tree in front of the RV would make a great pontoon-boat-themed treehouse with couches and dining room chairs? Come visit DTLA’s highway overpasses for more great design ideas!


People like him do crazy, self destructive things like this because of limited choices or desperation. You claim to understand the larger context but you’re taking everyone here to task for bringing it up and also falsely claiming that others here are excusing the existence of this particular double decker RV (and of other aspects of squalor that no-one here excuses, either). That’s what your original post said.


I was discussing the members of your new community, who if they’re droning on about “personal responsibility” likely also subscribe to the two former arseholes and haven’t voted blue since 1968. You may be surprised how well you end up fitting in with them.


Not everyone. I was curious what comments before your original post made you post this:

Because I didn’t see anything in the 18 or so posts before that to elicit such a response. I thought we must be having very different interpretations of those handful of posts.
Instead of offering even one example from above your post you wrote:

Seems pretty combative and spoiling for a fight. Like, if there really was a comment prior to your original post that lead you to your overall assumption, why not share to help me “get it”? Cuz like I wrote, I did read them, and I didn’t get why you took that stance about the community here. It’s not about having to prove something, it’s about communicating.


First image that came to mind.