Do you have trouble with shells sticking to your boiled eggs? Here's the fix

From the dozen or so videos I watched on youtube, it looks like ethanol doesn’t work as quickly and strongly as isopropanol. But in principle, an ethanol-soaked egg should be as safe to eat comparing equal alcohol content to any high proof drink. Maybe even safer due to the added protein and general food volume from the egg.

I’m thinking it involves giving the chickens too much fiber, or too little.

I doubt alkyl alcohols, even secondary and tertiary alkyl alcohols, have the requisite pKa or pKb to denature proteins. But I think you’re on the right track with dehydration. The alcohol is going to draw what is actually fairly significant water content (it’s a baby chicken) from the albumin and yolk and the proteins start to aggregate. From a physical chemistry perspective, as more proteins aggregate it gets harder to unring that bell as the forward rate coefficient likely gets larger. So the more it coagulates, the less likely it is to uncoagulate spontaneously. That’s my guess anyhow.

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You can rest easy! If you have an egg steamer that operates with virtually no water, they’re actually quite energy efficient. Boiling a pot full of water takes a lot more energy.


Yes, this works. Chill the eggs rapidly in cold water. The white will shrink and separate from the shell. Peel immediately.

Also, when putting eggs directly into boiling water, the shell might crack from heat stress. I usually get around this by letting the eggs warm up from the fridge a bit, in a bowl of warm water if I have to.

If you sing to your eggs while boiling them they don’t stick to the shells.
try it. if they still stick it just means you aren’t a very good singer.


Here, have like #10 just for being so obsessive as to gyroscopically centre the yolk in your boiled egg. That is amazing.


On toast? Mashed up? Egad. The Earl of Blandings is spinning in his grave.

Is done thusly:


Yeah, this is a lot of our problem. We get our eggs from our farm box and they are very fresh and tasty, but for boiling they are a bear.

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To each his own.

Let’s hope we don’t get into a discussion about scrambled eggs. :wink:

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Nein. Sunny side up is the way to go.


With bacon and cheese in them, obviously (or smoked salmon and a little blob of caviar on the top, seeing as it’s festive season).

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I don’t care how you prepare an egg, but if the yolk isn’t easy, you’re doing it wrong.


Not that I have a one-track mind or anything, but @redesigned just mentioned singing to your eggs (despite it being a joke, I actually thought “wouldn’t that be fun to try?”) and then you said what you said, and of course I just finished our annual Messiah concert, so all I could think was:


P.S. We sing “burthen”…modern English is for wimps. :wink:


I have never heard it sung “burden” in my life. I’d have to somehow become an atheist twice over if I did.


Absolutely. Who would murther a classic opera by using modern English?


Glamis hath murther’d Sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more!

If it’s good enough for the Bard and Handel, it’s good enough for me!


Opera?!?! Cheesy Pete you kids these days.


This is a pic of the chicken that lays those.