"Do you want Catalonia to be an independent country in the form of a republic?"

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/06/09/no-pasaran.html


If the EU were just a little bit stronger, I could see a lot of regions wanting ‘independence’ from their current nation-state masters, especially where the state is relatively weak. When the major benefits of a state (e.g. stable currency, military security, transportation infrastructure) are covered by a larger organization (the EU), then the state really gets reduced to a flag and some propagandized history about the commonality of those ‘people’.

Scotland, Bavaria, Basqueland,Sicily… all could follow this.


What If you substitute Catalonia with California?

“California’s long-awaited and bitterly controversial referendum on independence from United States will be finally held on 1 October, the regional government announced on Friday, triggering yet another political and judicial showdown…”

Carry on.


My brain did that on the headline, and then twice in the article summary…


Well yeah, if the ship is sinking, why go down with it?


The most important question is whether Barcelona will be allowed to play in La Liga if Catalonia leaves Spain.

And I’m not even kidding – that’s what at least two of my Catalan friends will be basing their decision on…


And that’s why we cant have nice things in Spain (and Catalonia).


Spain’s Fascist Gov. has backed them into a corner, so YES do get some independence, and now.


As long as Californians (myself included) are forced to relinquish their American citizenship as part of such a succession, I say put it to a vote.


If this happens then the UK will be on notice, considering Ireland has been wanting to break free for quite some time.

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You get the feeling that someone is going to take their shot at this in Europe eventually. The last working template for establishing peaceful transition to self-determination is anti-colonialism, and this pretty clearly isn’t that.

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Ah, though Bavaria might then lose the Franks. And the dynamics between Munich and the rest will become interesting.


Your brain needs to get out more.

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Is that some sort of weird sarcasm that just went whoosh over my head?

Because Ireland has been free for some time. N.Ireland, which IS part of UK, does not want to be independent. Half wants to be totally British and the other half wants to be totally Irish.

Thinking of Scotland, much, perhaps?

Czech and Slovakia parted ways amicably, but that was pre-EU for them. However, I can see how the template would work for many of these regionally distinct sub-states. If I were Basque, I would be playing the humanitarian rights thing as hard as possible.

If the EU survives, it might turn into an amalgamation of 60+ regional states, instead of 25 sovereign nation-states.


N Ireland is what i was thinking, but i did not specify so i apologize for the confusion. I also did consider mentioning Scotland.



transitive verb, sometimes capitalized

(balkanized; balkanizing)

To break up (a region, nation, group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units.


Seeing the article tagged “indignados” made me feel like posting this piece of French hip-hop. Sorry.

There is no reason why they couldn’t, except because of spite


The only problem is that anyone separating and wanting to join the EU will have to accept the EURO because all existing members have veto on new membership and Spain especially insists on new members adopting the EURO.

While the EU is a positive thing, there are real problems with the Eurozone because while it’s great for Germany and the former eastern bloc countries because they have an export surplus, the other consumption economies like Spain and France etc that don’t and are not allowed to run deficits can only contract using austerity measures. Look what happened with Greece, the economy has contracted by 30%, many young people have left. Eurozone members are basically giving up control of their economies and handing it to Germany and the Eurogroup. Think about what Jeroen Djisselbloem did to Greece when the Greeks voted in Syriza and they wanted no more of the austerity policies dictated by Eurogroup. Djisselbloem said to the Greeks ok, we will strangle your banks if you leave or default. So basically 60% of the people voted against it and an unelected body like the Eurogroup made the final decision.

Scotland specifically has a pretty good welfare state, and gets a lot of transfers from the rest of the UK. Do you think Dr. Schauble will care about it? (hint see Greece).

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