Documentary about the rise and fall of Tower records

Still never officially available on CD or iTunes, for reasons no one seems to understand.

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Incidentally, I like how BB is OK with tangents.

I regularly get deleted on Metafilter for being not on-topic enough.

Tangent != Derail, but not everyone sees it that way. If you ever talk to me in person, you will find that my mind is very tangential.


Wow can I relate. That place ain’t what it used to be.

Anyone else have a classic LP on a wall?

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living room:

(Paul’s Boutique completely unfolded. come to find out, if you attach the ends, it’s a cyclorama!)

(the one on the left is where the “THIS IS A JOURNEY… INTO SOUND!” sample comes from)

used to have my copy of Illmatic on the living-room windowsill facing outward into the parking lot, but it completely faded. it was a re-issue, so no value loss.


theremin 10"




1950 release, in the early age of plastic film, but closer to Clara Rockmore (good name for a band):


sweet! I’m just betting Lynch has a copy on his record shelf, too.

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Well, if Tower Records wants to rehash itself as a co-op that’s owned by its own employees they may have a shot. :wink:


Getting nostalgic for any chain just means that you aren’t old enough (or haven’t been in town long enough) to remember the store(s) that it killed.


Visiting L.A. from small town USA, Tower Records was unbelievable. All those albums I could physically browse instead of just looking at a special order catalog.

My memory of going to Tower in New York in 1987 or so included a small section dedicated to pre-recorded DAT tapes. Did those ever end up catching on with consumers? :wink: Only place I ever saw that.

Borders was awesome. When it was just the one store in Ann Arbor.


Rasputin or Amoeba I would imagine.

The irony for me was growing up in the Bay Area, Tower always seemed just so “corporate” when compared to the other chains in the area.

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Vinyl will live forever because of cinema. Girl and her grandfather are in the study. Grandfather goes, “Have you ever heard Beethoven?” He puts on the Fifth. Whirrr… scratch, pop, crinkle, crackle… Then the symphony. The imperfection of that record preserved forever as an anachronism but perpetuated in the scene that needs it. Like the scenes from those future movies in the Cloud Atlas. Vinyl will never die.

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I can relate. A knife is opening in my pocket every time I walk around the bank that invaded and now occupies space formerly belonging to National Publisher of Technical Literature. As a kid I used to spend there a lot of money.

Then the Revolution came and unleashed capitalism, and my favorite places were ousted and replaced with money mills.

I hate banks.


That happened when the Austin store opened in 1990, in the former Varsity Theater. (When Slacker premiered in Austin that summer, a year before the national release, the audience let out a collective “Awwww…” when one character walked past the mural. I’m pretty sure this shot was omitted from the nationwide release.) However, many of us felt better when they left the theater’s mural in place. There was a bit of a scare at first when some scaffolding went up, but it turned out they were restoring the mural.

What I didn’t know is that a subsequent tenant had planned to “update” the mural. Not sure whether this happened; I hadn’t noticed on recent visits.


In early 1987, I bought Drawings of O.T. at the Hastings store in Ridgmar Mall, Ft. Worth. There was another chain that was good (perhaps more localized than Hastings) called Record Bar. Generally we would go to Dallas to shop for records, but there were still things to be found in the shopping malls and/or suburbs. It all seemed to change for the worse (as far as music shopping goes) when a new mall opened in Arlington and the other malls tried to keep up.


What a relief knowing… that my benefits will never be cancelled, and my rate is locked in for life.


Semi OK. For some of us, the non sequitur is very strong, due to the Vicodin quaaludes and mild retardation, and so our tangential meandering wandering explorations get dumped on contact. But every once in a moon, a good one slips past. It’s what keeps us living. We need it, like werewolves need to suck blood.


[quote=“awjt, post:25, topic:65197, full:true”]
So, you’re saying Bernie will bring back Tower Records? I’m all in.
[/quote]Bernie won’t bring back Tower Records per se, but he will bring back the good times.

[quote=“caryroys, post:42, topic:65197”]
If you ever talk to me in person, you will find that my mind is very tangential.
[/quote]Ever smoke much weed?

Never, actually. I strictly enjoy beer.

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