Doggo, did you do this?

My thoughts exactly. I vote Good Boy.

it wasn’t the ‘torn curtain’ it really wasn’t

What a beautiful creature!

“Mistakes were made.”

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Unfair comparison. This dog is clearly capable of feeling shame.




My dog has about 2 buckets full of toys. All the ones except the balls have names. We can be in another room in the house, and I can tell him to go get the red ball, or Rudy, or Elly, and he will run into the room with his toy buckets, and bring back the correct toy almost every time. I am not in the room when he grabs the toy, so he’s obviously not looking to me for cues to know he has the right toy. He’s a border collie, and I know they’re known for being smart, but he’s so smart it honestly freaks me out a little sometimes.


Yeah, I have some vague memories of some report saying dogs will look “guilty” over stuff they didn’t do, if they get blamed for it. I don’t remember where, or if it was formal research, and I’m too lazy to Google it on this particular night, but that sounds about right. Though I imagine if you catch them in the act and react immediately, you can still condition them against doing whatever thing they shouldn’t be.

Have you ever put a new toy in without telling him the name and then ask him to get it?

Uhhh, no. I have not. I may have to test that.

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