Dogs use Earth's magnetic fields to determine where to poop


Magneto changing the direction a dog is pooping in is probably his greatest party trick.


Smile? I’m endeavouring to suppress a chortle.

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The Dog Park is there for our community enjoyment and use, and so it is important that no one enter, look at, or think about the Dog Park.


For some reason I have always pictured you as a repressed chortler.

The first rule of Dog Park…

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That must also be how they determine where to place the sidewalks in my neighborhood…

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And @Papasan
I’m pooping magnets, right n… oh, hang on a second - oh dear, I seem to be stuck to this:


It applies to bull terriers, too. Because it’s a bunch of bull shih tzu.

By the way, if Jason’s dog Pretzel had, say, a very close rabbit friend, as in this video, would it affect the way the rabbit poops, too?

Yes. It’s called Feng Shui.
Careful where you locate the mirror though. You might be flushing $100 dollar bills.
Eep…Wally beat me to it.

In a secret military study DARPA discovered that when a giant radiation-free mushroom cloud was created it was possible to syncronize the shitting of all species and no magnetic alignment at all was noted.

Now… how to incorporate this into military doctrine?

My roommate locked my cat in his room accidentally once and the cat pulled his comforter into a big pile in the center of the bed and pooped right in the middle. Not sure if it was facing north.

ETA: It was indeed a Cat and not a Car that was locked in the room (thanks @csilvest)

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sounds like the actual explanation to me. I can’t think of any evolutionary advantage to pooping while watching south.

Tanning face while pooping?

It’s true. Can be usefull in wild. At 1pm my dog “looked with widely oppened eyes” definitely from South to the North.

Ah, but the question is why they do so.
For what it’s worth, meanwhile, it struck me that our rescue dog with severe issues always seemed to poop in the same direction.


Most dogs are smart enough to not look into the sun when they poop, so would be biased to a NS orientation.

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The car or the cat?