Originally published at: Dollar Tree permanently raising prices to $1.25 and up | Boing Boing
Dollar Tree should change its name to Dollars Tree
Nah, this is a huge American corporation, the customer base of which isn’t powerful or wealthy. Quaint rules protecting consumers don’t apply to them.
Who says money doesn’t grow on trees?
Net income over $200 million.
forced it stop
Any bets it’ll end up the oh so classy Dollar$ Tree?
Dollar-ish Tree?
Dollars Tree doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well. Why not Dollar Trees?
Motel 6 hasn’t been providing accommodations for six bucks a night for about two generations now.
How about “dollar and quarter”, like the old “five and dime”?
I love how Witynski spins it so that he’s doing his customers a big favor by raising prices.
I live in a community with only one grocery store (which sucks), three dollar stores (two of them Dollar General), four national chain “pharmacies”, and two Wawa’s. The second Dollar General just got built. I really hate this current reality. I have to drive about 20 minutes to get to a decent, reasonably priced grocery store.
Even though it might not seem like a lot, raising your prices by 25% is quite a jump.
“4 for $5 Tree” ?
Buck ‘n’ Fin.
Yep, even the Youtuber The Wolfe Pit talks about how food from the Dollar Tree and the like aren’t good deals. And that with a little imagination you can make cheaper meals from a grocery store but it’s hard to do that when said stores basically swamp out grocery chains all the time.
So, €1 ?
They went upscale ever since they stopped charging extra to use the TV.
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