Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win New Hampshire primaries

(Don’t worry, it’s just another cartoon!)


But some of their best friends are Muslim. The good kind.


Remember when the magnitude of our national surveillance state was breaking news and one of the many very good arguments against that level of institutionalized surveillance was, you guys may be the heroes you’re claiming to be, but what about the next guy? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Donald J. Trump. #pleaseclap


Well, I kind of did. In the debate, he was the only one who sounded at all reasonable/like a leader, and New Hampshirites seem like reasonable people. Plus Rubio panicked.

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Recently had a conversation at work where someone tried selling that argument to me and two muslims.


Pity his father didn’t.


I guess the difference between Trump and his competition is that he says in public what they think and do in private (plus additional crazy stuff aimed at the white working class Republican voters).
But I do wonder how many voters support Trump because they suspect, based on his record, that he’s saying things to get votes that he would forget about five seconds after taking the oath. After all, one of his closest business partners is a Saudi Muslim, and the Saudis haven’t said a word against him.


I’m curious if the voting format helped Trump. In a private ballot, he soared. In a public caucus where his supporters had to show their face, he didn’t do so well. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.


I wish I could get all the Republicans (still in the race) to agree to speak about “we need to defeat Sanders in November” and freeze her out of their comments completely.

It just might drive Marie Madame Lafarge Antoinette Clinton completely over the edge.


The Spanish-language press calls Rubio “un joven viejo”, which translates best as “old fogey”. That’s about on the mark.


I think that the republican candidates secretly want Hillary to win the primaries, although they’ll never admit it in public. She is the least worst failure option. The idea of a socialist President Bernie Sanders is a nightmare for them, so they’ll keep ignoring him in the hope that Democrat voters think that only Hillary has a chance.



Marie Antoinette I can agree with, however, I highly doubt that H. Clinton would be so stealthy with her shit list, even if she does know how to knit.


Aside from being a misogynist who enjoys the torment of women.


[My emphasis]

I bolded that only because of this snippet from’s writeup about the NH results. Sanders has done fantastically well, but his row to hoe beyond NH is not going to be easy ground:


The theme of the night at Clinton’s New Hampshire primary party was best summed up by the Taylor Swift song that plays on loop at every event: shake it off. The mood was neither somber or defeatist. Instead the crowd was raucous and spirited. Clinton delivered her shouting over loud bursts of applause and chanting.

With an eye on the upcoming primaries in South Carolina and Nevada, Clinton emphasized ending bigotry and discrimination. Her campaign announced she will be joined on the trail by African American parents who have lost children to gun violence.

It’s still the economy, Sect. Clinton.


She’s done a pretty good job at being Mme Lafarge when she thinks people are looking, and la Reine when she thinks they aren’t.

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I dunno. As a slightly right of center libertarian myself, I’d rather have an honest President with some bad ideas than someone who’s so crooked she’ll one day have to be screwed into her grave.


Here’s another interesting analysis looking at the “Big Picture” and where the United States may be headed if it’s not careful.

"Bernie Sanders is not merely running to attempt to implement a set of idealistic policies that a republican-controlled congress is likely to block. He is running to take the Democratic Party back from an establishment that ignores the fundamental systemic economic problems that lead to wage stagnation and economic crisis. Those who say that the Democratic Party cannot be reclaimed by the FDR/LBJ types or that if it is reclaimed it will flounder in elections against the GOP are thinking too small…

"This can only happen if democrats recognize that Bernie Sanders is not just a slightly more left-wing fellow traveler of Clinton’s. This is not a contest to see who will lead the democrats, it’s a contest to see what kind of party the democrats are going to be in the coming decades, what ideology and what interests, causes, and issues the Democratic Party will prioritize. This makes it far more important than any other recent primary election. The last time a democratic primary was this important, it was 1976. Only this time, instead of Anybody But Carter or Anybody But Clinton, the left has Bernie Sanders–one representative candidate that it is really excited about. The chance may not come again for quite some time.

"Hillary Clinton is a neoliberal building on the legacy of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. She doesn’t understand the pivotal role inequality plays in creating economic crisis and reducing economic growth. She has been taken in by a fundamentally right wing paradigm, and if she is elected she will continue to lead the Democratic Party down that path.

"Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist building on the legacy of Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. He understands that inequality is the core structural factor in economic crisis and that growth in real wages and incomes is required for robust, sustainable economic growth.

“It doesn’t matter which one is more experienced, or which one’s policies are more likely to pass congress, or which one is more likely to win a general election, or which one is a man and which one is a woman. This is not about just this election, or just the next four years. This is about whether the Democratic Party is going to care about inequality for the next decade. We are making a historical decision between two distinct ideological paradigms, not a choice between flavors of popcorn. This is important. Choose carefully.”


Hillary is stuck between trying to steal Sanders’ economic message, and at the same time not challenging all the happy talk from the WH about the “economic recovery”. Not going to work I hope.