Donald Trump says he will sign executive order to end birthright citizenship "on day one" (video)

Agreed, a conclusion of bullshit supported by an understanding of why it’s bullshit or even a different flavor of bullshit is the goal.

Couldn’t agree more. Cherry picked, ahistorical revisionism all the way down.


Everywhere has a “revisionism”.


So becoming racist assholes and inciting violence? Got it /S

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By their own logic, only Native Americans are the real citizen. All ancestors of current citizens are “illegal immigrant”, also by their definition. These assholes will say whatever advancing their agenda. The only consistency is their lacking of principles.


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Pretty sure they weren’t made US citizens, even if we know of one child born on the continent (Snorri Þorfinnsson). But even then, we only have evidence that they made it as far as Canada.


The beauty of “reading the minds” of white men centuries dead is that they cannot correct you. The liberal wing doesn’t really play that game, so there is no one to gainsay the bullshit “originalist” interpretation, which is just white male supremacy with a more respectable suit on. They are wanting to return to the standard of only land-owning (read rich) white males having a say in governance, and are well on their way to making it so. If they are not stopped at the ballot box, we are in deep trouble. If they are, I fear we are headed for The Troubles.


I know all of you are very excited about the legal question of whether this would fly in the courts.

I would like to respectfully submit that this is not the point and never is the point for Trump and his like, and that what we see as a bug of his program is instead a feature.

Trump does not care whether anything he says will happen. He cares about whether saying it will get him the political result he wants.

Trump’s game is to say whatever will get him attention and paint himself as the big strong savior of Traditional Whiteness. The more cruel and the more legally dubious it is, the better it communicates his seriousness to his target audience, and differentiates himself from the more rule-bound primary competitors who are self-constrained in their rhetoric by what is legally possible. Over here we might point out pesky barriers like constitutions and courts, but to the people he is courting (voters in Republican primaries) deference to those institutions in getting what they want is weakness, and they want none of it.


Fun fact: the United States was created to be a country without a king where the government is based on ideas rather than royalty.

Frankie Drake Mysteries Ugh GIF by Ovation TV

(I hope you will see what I did there!)


I did, and I feel you.

I Love You Hug GIF by Chubbiverse


(I meant using a gif with a female Canadian actor)


This fucking thing again. From this fucking guy. He could not be more fucking incompetent if he fucking tried. And he fucking tries. Every fucking day. Perhaps we should have an entrance exam for our highest fucking elected official.


An EO would have no effect. It can’t be implemented.

What nativist assholes don’t realize is birthright citizenship is far easier to do and maintain than alternatives.

Nobody checks citizenship for anyone born here nor is there a means of checking it. You’re born here, you’re a citizen unless your diplomat parents chime in to say otherwise. There are no records of citizenship besides those naturalized or a birth certificate.

Also birthright citizenship is the most successful policy our immigration system ever produced. Integration within 1 generation. Not that nativist assholes care.


Oh, they care a lot. In that, they hate it. Anything that allows not-whites to become citizens dilutes the inherent whiteness of our lily-white country!



That’s all true under the law as it currently stands and in a system of functional checks and balances. Your opinion may differ, but I see no reason to believe that Trump and his cohort believe themselves to be constrained by such things or that our checks and balances are assured to survive another Trump term.


It’s strangely resemblant of pastors relationship with bible and their gods. They can put words in the dead/nonexist man mouth and claim it as gospel.


I have no doubt they would want to try it, but implementing requires far more work than those lazy slugs will muster.

Most Americans have no record of their citizenship beyond a birth certificate. This means every maternity ward has to have people checking the immigration status of every parent


Does logic and common sense ever prevent those asshole from trying it? IBM got paid shit ton from 1933 onward to tabulate the census in order to target the Jews for the Nazi regime. If anything, I see “new companies” spun up with by short finger’s sycophant to take advantage of the racket if they back into power.

Edit: Agree with Olympe_de_Gouges, 1st company comes to mind, Palantir by Peter Thiel, perfect company created by a Nazi