Donald Trump was right: GOP group finds over 4,000 miscounted votes in 2020. And they all go to Biden

Originally published at: Trump was right: 4,000 votes miscounted (all for Biden)


Further proof that truth (generally) has a liberal bias.


“How did Biden win when almost nobody was coming to his rallies but Trump’s rallies were packed!!??”

“Do you think that the left has an irrational overwhelming hatred for Trump?”

“Yes, obviously!”

“Then wouldn’t the left come out in huge numbers just to vote Trump out, even though they didn’t really like Biden all that much?”

“. . . . ?”


That reads like complete tech-ignorant double-talk. If you don’t actually understand the issue, don’t try to explain it.


And it risks giving the MAGAmaniacs even more reasons to declaim that election processes and election results are not to be trusted.


We all should be worried! 2020 went the left’s way this time, but it just as easily could have gone the other way… or will in 2024. I’ve been focused on the intentional fraud stuff and largely dismissing it, but holy crap now I have concerns around the whole system. How can such a simple fundamental task be so complicated and poorly run?

Bush “beat” Gore by 537 votes in FL in 2000, far lower than the errors uncovered here.


Well, for one, it’s not nearly as simple as you’d think, given that there is a patchwork set of laws across the country that people have to work through in order run the elections. And in some cases, it’s poorly run on purpose (primarily in working class parts of red states that are minority majority).




The problem is that, the way it’s done in the USA, it’s not actually “a simple fundamental task”. On the very same day you get to cast individual votes for every office in the land from POTUS all the way down to municipal dog catcher, and that makes counting the ballots a very tedious and confusing exercise. No wonder the people who organise these events want computerised help for that, with all the additional potential for mix-ups and assorted failures, never mind actual malicious attacks, inherent in it.

Here in Germany, for example, we usually vote for the European parliament, the German federal parliament, the state parliament, the municipal parliament, the district administrator, and the mayor, but these elections generally take place according to separate schedules on completely different calendar dates. That means that – for most of these elections, notably excluding the ones for municipal parliaments, at least in some states – when you come to the polling station you get one or two different ballots where you make one or possibly two crosses each, which is a fairly straightforward pen-and-paper exercise where expensive voting machines aren’t really required. It also means that results are available fairly quickly and that the counting can be reasonably well supervised by representatives of the various political parties.


At 4,000 votes per the entire election that an error rate of .00257% - 2,000th’s of a percentage.

Not many things have such a low error rate.


I’m going to pushback on the “poorly run” comment. There were over 4.3 million votes cast in Virginia for President in 2020. 4,000 of them were miscounted, according to this report, which represents less than 1/10th of 1% of the total vote count in that state. Also, Biden won with a margin of over 450,000 votes in Virginia. I’m not sure getting the vote count error rate lower than 1/10th of 1% is really possible.

The real problem, as @Mindysan33 pointed out above, is the way we elect President. With the Electoral College nonsense, and most (but not all…each state gets to set their own rules, which is stupid) states going with a winner takes all Electors from that state, we have a situation where an error rate of 1/100th of 1% could potentially change the winner of the election, which is basically what happened in 2000 (with some help from SCOTUS, as Mindy also correctly pointed out). If we, instead, elected President by national popular vote, like a sane and rational nation, these error rates wouldn’t be an issue. They would be statistical noise that couldn’t possibly affect the outcome.

ETA: I owe @KathyPartdeux a fizzy beverage.


Wow, are you like, a Jedi or something? :wink:

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I am ‘sure’ that Fox News will be running this as their headline news item.


You don’t need a Jedi mind trick to know “these are not the votes they were looking for.”


Exactly. It only took 1 swing vote to decide Bush v Gore.

I’m aware. My point is that the recount was stopped by SCOTUS…

I know, I was going for agreement and clearly failed miserably. Sorry.

Ah… sorry. Got it now…

Star Trek Ok GIF

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