Don't give a dime to the DCCC, they'll just use to front DINOs and smear Justice Democrats

Wait, did Bernie return to the Democratic Party? That is, after he joined it momentarily to run for President and then immediately left it after he momentarily joined it?

When I voted in the Democratic primary 2 years ago, he was on the list of candidates with Hillary Clinton (don’t recall whether O’Malley was stull on there at that point). I’m unaware that he ever joined the party but it’s how he registered for election is Maryland. It was official as far as the Board of Elections was concerned.

Where I live, the Democratic primary effectively is the election where state leg. and local government are concerned.

I’ve been looking at that race. On positions there really isn’t a whole lot of space between the four Democrats, ranging from moderate to slightly more progressive. (Crowe is the most establishment candidate; Mary Wilson is the one I would trust most to walk my dog, but she probably doesn’t have a chance even at the primary.) The GOP side is fascinating: 18 candidates (18!), all but one of whom is running on a “Trump is my God” platform (and that last one proudly boasts she voted for Clinton in 2016!)

Trump and Brexit would seem to belie that.

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Would you rather Bernie had run as an independent?

Because every time I hear someone moan “Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat” I assume the answer is yes.

Delighted to learn that I was wrong; Mary Wilson made it to the runoff in the 21st!

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