Door Game Meta Topic

The Mission Four Repost is Fantastic

Fun narrative, clear exposition of choices, links to where to find more information.


Since we’re on the meta-thread, I would like to make suggestion for a slightly different way to handle the Mission 4 results that might both ease Donald’s workload and give players more scope for collaborative narrative. Or might not. your call.

Round 4 is a great set-up. Mission 1 is the BDW olympics, Mission 3 is BDW meets GTA, and Mission 2 give casual players a way to stay engaged. COOL.

My proposal is to harness this great set-up to our players creativity by splitting the results post into two posts separated in time :

  • a “dice rolling” summary
  • a delay, during which the players provide their own narrative-consistent stories
  • a narrative heavy post that gets the plot moving forward again

The key idea is that there would be a long delay between the two posts during which players would could fill in their own stories, informed by their own mission outcome.

The fist post would be brief numerical summaries of the “dice rolling” results with perhaps a sentence fragment of description. This needs to be SHORT. A tweet, not a blog post.

  • “shame about the .50 cal jamming”
  • “Way to show your ass to that Raider. BOOM”
  • "who knew there were still Zoot Suiters in East LA ? ".

Encourage players to create their own stories with something like “Reports are still coming in and it’s all very confusing. Post what you experienced.” This has the advantage getting the “Dice rolling” results posted quickly, , while buying time for Donald to construct the labor-intensive “narrative” posts that drive the game

Allow day or so for the Jack Burtons and Major’s and Channings and other highly engaged players to post their own narrative-compatible character story. Should be a hoot, and they might encourge some less engaged players to get more involved. I could certainly see myself PMing a less active player and posting co-ordinated stories. Later, the second post with the full write-up for the mission results only needs to “correct” elements of the driver’s stories that conflict with the overall narrative arc. No need for a full writeup for those characters. Where a driver’s stories conflicts with the overall narrative arc, the corrections should be easy – everyone knows it’s confusing out there, and Drivers can be such braggarts.

Splitting the results across two posts could potentially lighten Donald’s work load and drive a helluva lot of player interaction during what has been the “dead time” when Donald was doing the immense labor building the narrative results post.

Just a thought.