Door Game Meta Topic

I was hoping that you all would pick up on this idea (our GM NPCs all have something distinctive) and just doing it with text is not a bad idea at all. I like the status updates.

Being consistent with these will be important to make them really stick (and I admit to not being consistent with them myself).

I think a small picture like @peregrinus_bis’s idea below is a great idea. I was planning something similar for Jane. If everyone had something like that it’d be great. Just a text name with status updates (or not) will be good too though.

I have been over-loving pixlr, thanks!

I’ve never wanted to invest in Photoshop etc, potential incomes don’t warrant the expense (like, zero income), but pixlr is doing the job damn nicely!

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Does this help at all? finally uploaded an avatar
Maybe Ill sketch Honey some time if any time is left between now and the end of the game. Depending on how long I survive :wink:


Quick question: How does one embed a youtube video in ones posts? It feels kind of crappy to just post a link.
Thanks in advance.

Drop in the link and it automatically does it.

This is a forward-thinking place for the most part. Science!

Hm, doesn’t seem to work on my last post in round three

It certainly helps me remember: that’s the player with the Twister! But then I have to think a bit to remember that’s Honey.

Linking the names with the faces (or grilles, as the case may be)… that’s the challenge for memory-challenged people like me.

(“How memory challenged?” you ask? Well, let’s just say that yesterday, when that argument broke out in camp over the dead dog, and Cougar had to come over and bust some heads so we could get some sleep? I had utterly forgotten that at the time the entire convoy was supposed to be in motion, hauling the Ark at 1 mph, through pouring toxic rain!

Oh, well. Nobody seemed to notice that wee continuity slipup!)


If you signed up to BBS just for the game, you may be too new for the embedding to work.

Worked for me just now. Here’s Buzz Aldrin and Thomas Dolby.

Yupp, that might be it. So I’ll just keep posting links, then. Hope you click them :smile:

Wait, what? There’s a waiting period to post videos?

I seem to remember there’s one for posting images. @codinghorror, is that correct? New users can’t embed videos? Just curious: how long before they can? Assuming they’re, like, cool, y’know?

Strange. Tried editing the post, writing the full adress, but then it just showed a big still picture from the video. Then I tried it in a new post and all of a sudden it worked. Don’t know what happened there, but all is fine now. Thanks for the help!

… the magicke of boingboing!

Protip: new (trust level 0) users have grey usernames. That’s how you know they are new.

Achieving trust level 1 requires reading a few different topics, reading at least 50 individual posts, and reading for 15+ minutes. No posting is required.

Reading for 15+ minutes? Jebus, no wonder, I’ve been signed up since July and my name only went red a week ago.

Ah, thank you. Anyone who has even tried to keep up with our little gamey-poo here has probably exceeded those minima by a couple orders of magnitude by now!

How many trust levels are there? Now I’m curious…


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It’s been wonky for me, posting a still-shot image with no play button on mouseover, the last two times I tried it.

paging @codinghorror @sam to weigh in on whether there has been any reported abnormalities with youtube embedding lately.