Drive yourself up the wall with the Busy Simulator

Originally published at: Drive yourself up the wall with the Busy Simulator | Boing Boing

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I have gone to wearing a headset at work. You can listen to music or some other audio and look like you are always in a conference call.

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I listen to music pretty much constantly at work, and if I’m taking a break will listen to podcasts. I had a colleague from another floor tell me after about 3 months of working together, but not really interacting directly that she thought I had a universal translator that I always needed to have on because I didn’t speak English. She was out special needs coordinator, so I guess it makes sense her mind went to “assistive technologies”

If anyone asks, I’m in a conference call.

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I admire her confidence in our current level of technology that this would be remotely possible. I don’t share that confidence, but I do admire it.


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