Driving before, during, and after rush hour: city maps of how far you'd get

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/08/17/driving-before-during-and-af.html

Well, shoot…can’t find hi-rez versions of those graphics.

I hope this was automated, because that’s a lot of data to plot by hand, for no reason.

The charts look very much like “could you outrun a x kt blast?” and similar charts from the cold war era.


That looks very Mandelbrot-ian. A coincidence, I’m sure.

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4 pm is not before rush hour! Leaving the city at 4 pm is the worst for rush hour. The three times given are during, shortly after, and long after rush hour. Someone has obviously never commuted… (The article has it correct, it is just the BB headline that is wrong)

I drove through Boston this afternoon. Only took me 90 minutes.

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In Chicago, rush hour is 24 hours long. I speak from experience.

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Perhaps not. It may have something to do with function iteration/Julia sets. Essentially, you repeatedly move a small distance in any direction, each iteration representing a certain time interval, and then plot sets of points reached by the time you get to some number of intervals as the same color.

Also, I can definitely confirm RE: Boston. My mother in law commutes to East Boston from the South Shore. This year, she switched from 8 hours days to 10 hour days, and because she’s no longer in the worst of rush hour her total day (work+commute) is only about half an hour longer than before.


And this is basically why I refer to distance in time needed to travel. Supposedly a Northeast / New England mannerism. Knowing the miles between here and where I’m going is practically useless. Fails to account for the number of traffic lights, road speeds, and various other factors that impact how long it will take me to travel.


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