Drug sub raided

Pointing at the sub like it’s a bad dog works every time.


Jules Verne predicted this.


Ya really gotta love the innovation that the free market brings! But then here comes Big government, putting a stop to it, including the free trade of goods. /s (kinda)

One thing I noticed is that the cop has on what looks to be full land-soldier gear. What if he fell off that barco? Seems to me he’d sink fast.

Last thought: I used to think that the USCG was pretty cool, like firefighters, resuecing and helping people and all that. Then I learned that they are pretty much just part of the drug war industrial machine, evidenced by some moniker I saw once on the side of their boat or plane. The moniker was a series of pot leaves (IIRC), showing how many busts they made, like on the side of WW2 fighters showing how many enemy planes they downed. I was disappointed.



This is for the ridiculous post-police who didn’t think an incomplete sentence is acceptable.

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I gotta admire the stones on the guy that leapt aboard that thing, but question the wisdom of it. When the hatch opened two hands appeared in surrender. It could just as easily have been a spray of automatic gunfire. And don’t those guys have appropriate gear for that kind of operation? Like a buoyancy suit?


They estimate that they only stop 25% of these subs.

Sometimes the Coast Guard intercepts a sub only to have the drugs disappear. Smugglers will drag an unmanned vessel behind the main boat, 100 feet below the surface. Once discovered, they sink the cocaine-stuffed drone so that another group can later track it on encrypted transmitters, recover the drugs, and continue delivery.


“Dive! Dive!” yelled the Captain through the thing! So the man who makes it dive pressed a button, or a something, and it dove. And, the enemy was foiled again. “Looks like we foiled them again,” said Dave. “Yeah,” said the Captain. “We foiled those bastards again. Didn’t we, Dave.” “Yeah,” said Dave. The End.


It strikes me that a semi-submersible combines one of the worst traits of a surface boat (a large and highly visible wake) with the major short coming of a submarine (lack of situational awareness).


How high do you have to be to answer a knock on the door of a sub?

“Hey, man, someone is at the door.”

“Maybe it’s the pizza guy.”

“Did we order pizza?”

“Well obviously someone did, or the pizza guy wouldn’t be knocking.”

“Makes sense…”


“We got 300 keys of coke? Party tonight!”

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A captain hired by the narco-traffickers, who made three runs to Mexico at the helm of semi-subs, described the conditions as “hellish,” with the crew subsisting on crackers, canned beans and milk. “There’s always an armed person on board to keep watch over the crew and the cargo,” the former captain told TIME. “If anyone starts to panic or mutiny, his orders are to eliminate the troublemaker.”

I’d say that drug lords have no sense of humor, but stocking a sub with beans and milk is a nice touch.


That boat looked very sub standard.


All these submarine puns are a new low.


Good watching…


I like to explore the depths of sub humour. :smiley: :smiley:


Go Back!


Yea, but it didn’t really sound like please.

Wonder why they opened the hatch. Seems like the sub had the advantage until that point.

What is that blurry box supposed to be hiding on the front of the car? It can’t be the number plate, I can narrow it down to two possibilities from that preview image.

It seems rather presumptuous to give the order in only Spanish. How did they know the sub operators understand Spanish? Is Spanish the lingua franca of international waters?

Oh, wait, the command uses “tu,” which is the familiar form–the form you’d use with people you’re on a first-name basis with (at least, that’s how it was explained to me back in my junior high Spanish class). So the Coast Guard person knows the sub captain personally? Then maybe they’re all in on it, and this is just a faked video. :wink:


The Mercedes logo.
(They were trying for the plate and missed, I assume. In the video, there is also a moment where the space next to the driver is blurred out, but you see his face clearly.)

(Simultaneously) Put your hands up! Don’t move! Stop resisting! Get down on the ground! Don’t move! Let me see your hands! Stop reaching!