Drums of War

Strikes on Kyiv. He’s moving right to the main course. A turn of events I’d hoped never to see in my own lifetime, perpetrated by a right-wing sado-populist regime led by a kleptocratic wannabe Tsar against a sovereign neighbour on false pretexts.

Not much more from me for now, but BBS community members and especially Leaders should note that I’ve set up two clearinghouse topics in order to keep main site boing discussions on the invasion and war from being de-railed by Useful Idiots, tankies, and Putin’s tr01ls-for-hire.

And Whatabout Your Black People…? – a topic for discussion and de-bunking of whataboutism in relation to the invasion.

The Shirtless Wonder’s Alternate History – a topic for discussion and de-bunking of the Putin regime’s reality-challenged historical justifications for the invasion.