Originally published at: Dune part 2 release delayed due to Hollywood executive greed | Boing Boing
lose up to 15% of a movie’s projected box office revenue by being unable to have actors participate in promotional coverage for releases
Even though I spent a lifetime in marketing I am still slightly surprised at this number. I do not watch ‘chat’ shows or other TV things where this sort of promotional stuff goes on - practically never. If I want to see a movie it is much more likely that the views of selected film reviewers/critics that I read will be the key influence.
in case anyone is on the edge of their seats…
there’s also a book.
it does feel like it’s another illustration of how the studios have been taking more than their fair share. they’re not cash strapped enough to care about actually releasing movies they’ve already made
I’m betting there are some tax/accounting wrinkles in there somewhere that reduce the ‘loss’ they are making every day that the sunk investment is not being recovered by the film being released.
“I can’t make enough money so I’ll make none instead!!”
Yeah, OK, Movie Bro, nice plan.
from their workers—few, if any, of whom would actually see any return of that 15% for themselves.
I don’t know, aren’t there buffets at those things?
If it never releases and SAG-AFTRA gets a fair deal instead, I’d consider it an acceptable exchange.
I half expected to read that Dune 2 was going to get the Batwoman treatment, as a tax right off.
Maybe it will? I watched the first movie, and I bet I’m not the only one who’s uninterested in seeing the second. If movies are just ways to shift money through accounts I can think of no finer choice. The cash must flow.
“They’re sending a new flag up on the tall ship,” the watcher said. “The flag is yellow… with a black and red circle in the center.” “There’s a subtle piece of business,” Paul said. “The CHOAM Company flag.”
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