Duplicate post and non-unique bbs comments link: Get a self-healing cutting mat for cheap

Mark seems to have posted a duplicate article original new
Also, the comments link from the 2020/12/15 post links to the comments from the 2018/11/02 post. I would have posted that this was a dup in the comments, but they’ve been closed for over two years. :slight_smile:

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Searching around a bit and I see even more similar plugs. Enough, Mark, we get it, you really like these self healing cutting mats!

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BTW, the A4 sized one is the same price and size as the pink/purple one and it comes in green, so there’s even more options for people who really like self-healing cutting mats.

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Probably one for @orenwolf to adjudicate

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Yeah, that’s what I thought as well. I guess I should have tagged them. I was just having too much fun finding all the dups. :slight_smile:

Oh, and to make Mark happy, I did buy one of the pink/purple ones to go with my green one. I bet my kids would love it.

Mark routinely reposts articles with cool tools that are still cool (which the mats really are. So neat!)

Unfortunately, we don’t really have an automated way to tell Discourse that we’d like to “reopen this for another five days, please” so this generally means that these topics will not allow new comments. Given that the original only received six responses to begin with, I don’t imagine we’re losing too much in the grand scheme of things here, but you can always click on the date in the top right of the post (or any reply) and click the little “new topic” button that appears in the popup if you want to start a new community topic based on the post!


Thanks! The 2019 articles had more comments, but I take your point. Is it odd that the oldest and the newest are identical while the other two in 2019 were unique? I’m wondering if we can use duplicate posts like this to track mental acuity in Mark. Should we be concerned? :wink:

I think we can probably chalk that up to the terrible native search in Wordpress when looking for old posts. :wink:


Well, maybe instead of merely reposting the old post Mark could post NEW posts about these crazy things he’s so keen on. All it would need is a one-liner with the affiliate link embedded somewhere, and then he could add a link to the previous/original post if he wanted, and then the new post would have comments available.

Always assuming Mark is interested in comments on these posts, which he may well not be, given that these reposts are mostly made to bring some affiliate marketing links to the fore…

Yes, I’m cynical about it - my natural state. :wink:
No, I am not bothered by these posts if affiliate links help pay BB’s or Mark’s rent, but every now and then it would be nice to have the facility to add a comment.

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No arguement here. I used google to find the duplicats that I did. :slight_smile: WP only showed the post from today.

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