Early Mac software comes to the Internet Archive

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/04/17/early-mac-software-comes-to-th.html


The first time I played Dark Castle I couldn’t believe how shitty it was. That someone would have the gall to offer something like this as a gaming experience. Even back then in the early era of 8-bit gaming it was garbage.

Lode Runner on the other hand I have probably put hours in the 3-digit range into.

Edit: Shufflepuck as well, definitely check out that one. The sorceress leaning over on the table after the match – so hot.


Thought it read Dank Castle because of the font used. Shame.


I was twelve in 1984. I remember even the smell of the new Macintosh manuals, software and tapes. The future seemed wonderful to me.


Too young for that generation of computing (was born in 1984). But while i did grow up with DOS and floppy discs and whatnot, i vividly remember getting our first computer that had a CD drive and it was so incredible. I spent forever going through the bundled Encarta and various educational CD’s that we had.


The Mac version of Wizardry is the best version of Wizardry, and I’ve always thought it was strange that, in the various ports, remakes, and re-releases over the years, they’ve always gone back to the Apple II/DOS version as the base.

I’d really like to see it reproduced in the Etrian Odyssey engine or something similar, to integrate the map-making into the software so you can play the game without a stack of graph paper.

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That’s funny, I loved it, even though I could never get half way. I suck at dexterity games.


I still miss my family’s old Mac SE/30. I’d spend hours playing Taskmaker, Stunt Copter, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego and Glider, as well as watching After Dark screensavers and messing around with Hypercard and paint programs. It wasn’t the very first computer I interacted with (that would be the old Apple II at school, which ran LOGO and The Oregon Trail), and I certainly have fond memories of later computers which featured color and the internet, but because of its limitations and the ways artists would work around them, the old black and white art style has a unique charm, like a mash-up of pixel art and woodcuts.


Gemstone Warrior. You are killing me - I wasted so many hours playing this game. SO - MANY - HOURS

glad to see the old mac SW is being preserved - -

BUT - I did not see Al Evan’s spectacular “Cap’n Magneto” one of the first shareware - super cool games…


I just watched a tutorial the other day for a lovely Mac system 7 emulator running on a raspberry pi:

Totally awesome.


Dark Castle was only shitty in relation to games available on other platforms and computer systems at the time. For the monochromatic Macs, which many of us bought for college, it and Sid Meier’s Pirates! game were pretty much the pinnacle of what was available at the time. SO many hours were lost to those two games, and the Dark Castle sequel, when I was supposed to be working on Junior and Senior independent work. I can still hear the rats, bats and other sound effects from DC in my head to this day.


Gasp. Someone else that has used LOGO :smiley:


Does their version of Crystal Quest have “the moan” when you finish a level?

I definitely have a soft spot for the old 1 bit Mac games. I’ll post more on this when I’m not browsing from my phone.

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Infocom made an Adventure Game for the mac that (judging from advertisements, mind you) made a lot of other games look crude.

Quarterstaff, I think it was.

Wizardry was the first game I got for my Apple ][+, and I loved that game. Don’t think I ever played the Mac version, but I did play the console version (ps2…?) and it stunk.

As soon as I read Dark Castle I started hearing those kee-kee sounds the bats made… I never was a big fan, but for a few years in the late eighties it seemed that there was always someone playing it regularly wherever I lived.


Oh, is that all? Talk about damning with faint praise… :grin:

(to be clear, this is not meant to be argumentative, I just thought it was a funny turn of phrase.)

should we start a club?

I did a term paper for a photography course that involved shooting and developing a dozen rolls of Tri-X, Plus-X, and Pan-X each, filled with shots of a grey card at all different exposures. Then I pushed and pulled the rolls in developing, and compiled densitometry readings from all of the rolls of film.

I ultimately graphed out the results on my C64 using LOGO.

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I couldn’t tell. I’m not even as good as i was back then and couldn’t finish a level.

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