Early raves for Stargrave, the spaced-out sibling of Frostgrave

Originally published at: Early raves for Stargrave, the spaced-out sibling of Frostgrave | Boing Boing

I’m really looking forward for this, and the plastic kits that are being released with it.

Thank you Gareth for your tabletop game tidbits! I get a lot of info on new games from them. Is it possible to add Osprey’s official link for picking up the game: https://ospreypublishing.com/store/military-history/upcoming-books/preorder-next-month/stargrave?

I know Amazon is the easy go to. But in these times, I think it’s good to promote the publishers–and give a shout out to pick up a copy of the next-new-great-thing at whatever friendly, local game store folks can purchase from. Most stores–even if they only carry a limited selection on shelves–are happy to place preorders for folks! :slight_smile:

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