Eight cops enter house without warrant won’t leave for 8 minutes despite the owner telling them to go repeatedly

Stop justifying illegal and rude behavior based on imaginary scenarios.


The world doesn’t need cops. It never did. In the US of A they were recruited from white supremacist slave catchers in the South and racist bully-boy gangs in the North. Cops have never been any more than the personal security and para-military militias for their wealthy and powerful patrons. They neither serve nor protect the public from crime or harm. They take their marching orders from their union bosses, from politicians and the for-profit prison system.
Currently they are the largest source of bigoted, treasonous seditionists filling the ranks of domestic terrorists, a group identified as the biggest threat to national security in the US of A. What the world really needs are peacemakers: individuals recruited for their people skills, their empathy and their willingness and desire to intervene when requested and de-escalate situations where people are at risk of causing injury and harm to any member of the public. They will coordinate with medical professionals trained in harm reduction and social workers who specialize in helping the marginalized and dispossessed


I was thinking about that too. Imagining an older person with a landline having some sort of attack, dialing 911, passing out and disconnecting. None of the officers actually seem concerned about this mystery caller’s safety.

This certainly speaks to the motivations for defunding the police. At least as I understand the concept. It’s a shame that our society has normalized sending a bunch of militarized personnel to what could very well be a medical emergency. I can only imagine how much less stressful this situation would have turned out if a few unarmed people with medical bags had showed up to the residence instead.


Right. I forgot the part of the 4th Amendment that says, “…unless the cops make an oopsies, in which case, no biggie.” /s

But seriously, if cops can storm into any home based on a wrong-address 911 call, it completely breaks the warrant system. Even probable cause requires support by “Oath or affirmation.” The burden of getting the address right is on the cops. If they screw up, it is definitely still a 4th Amendment violation. They should face consequences for that violation. In this case (as you’ve noted) it looks less like a mistake and more like a cop with a beef with the homeowner. That should be career-ending for them, and the rest of the cops that went along with it should be disciplined.


I had an ambulance show up at my house, middle of the night because they said they had a 911 call from my address…

After 2 minutes of telling them I was asleep on my couch and did not make any calls, the police show up and started giving me gears about wasting resources and how serious this situation is - threatening me with a ticket or arrest.

Was starting to come out of my deep-sleep fog and finally asked “What number called 911?”? and they say 555-1212 …

“That prefix is for the southern part of the city, you guys want to be at 34 Smith AVENUE, this is 34 Smith STREET. Bet whoever called is dead by now, nice going”.

EMS radioed dispatch and sure enough, they were sent to the wrong street. They apologized and left, the cop was still chirping all the way to his car.

I’ve only had interactions with police as a victim, and generally (maybe because of my White Privilege) they’ve been good and positive… but this time… that cop was such a dick.


This was so fun to watch. Called them thugs. Called them gang related. Right in their face, right in their boss’s face. Citizen’s got a point, lots of points.


Would this event be considered a SWATing? If so, is that not a felony?

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I’m so sorry. And I can somewhat relate. Cops have never been there to help me when I needed them, even after asking them for help. But they’ve caused lots of unnecessary stress, pain, and inconvenience. And I count myself lucky to have gotten through every interaction with no more than very minor injuries.
Fuck these thugs. I mean, I’m sincerely sorry they don’t get better training for the types of situations they run up against, but they could definitely do better with what they have. In short, ACAB.


It at least wasn’t someone actually after me in that case. The guy was after one of the girls in the apartment below us but had become convinced that our fire escape was connected to that apartment.


Indeed. I’m glad he stood up for his and his family’s rights, and I hope he consults a lawyer about pressing charges against these keystone cops, but there’s no mystery why he lived to upload the video.


And I’m guessing you’re white?


They don’t care about warrants and shit if they already have some other reason to grab somebody

Maybe we can win money years later if we sue them, but they don’t care about that either

It’s not like it’s their money



What city this was in?

Why didn’t anyone just call the number?

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That would require logic, and more than half a braincell.


I didn’t time it myself, but if the title is accurate that it was eight minutes, that seems like a pretty short amount of time to sort through the situation.

Really? 8 minutes probably feels MUCH longer when you have a bunch of armed thugs in your house.


That’s what I was thinking! And that one asshole purposely leaving his foot on the threshold after being specifically asked to move it. Asshole.
A few months ago I was getting ready for bed and noticed a bunch of lights moving all over our back yard. I called out the window asking who they were and what was going on and it was a bunch of cops allegedly looking for someone, but they were very dismissive, and hadn’t even notified any of us in the neighborhood that they were going to be tromping around. Stomped right through one of our day lily patches too, fucking assholes. I hope they got ticks on them.
Can’t even imagine the level of rage I’d feel if they burst into my home.

Oh, and all of the time they were harassing this guy in the video, they weren’t finding out where the actual 911 call came from. :woman_shrugging:t2: I bet 8 minutes feels really long if you’re hiding under your bed while an intruder prowls around.


RIGHT! These are people who have the power to commit acts of violence and often there are no repercussions for that.

Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon


I’m sure it did feel like a long time. But practically speaking, eight minutes is a relatively short period of time to sort through the situation from start to end. I can’t recall an interaction I’ve had where there was ambiguity to be resolved that took less time.