English is weird

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English only is weird.
English is only weird.
English is weird only.

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Reference #24.6d6d19b8.1430537847.5bb036d6

Displays fine for me. It’s the High Anxiety poster.

Surely @system will local host it shortly anyway?

cross domain linking is forbidden on IMDB. The reason why the image is displayed correctly for you is because you downloaded it while on IMDB, and now you’re being shown a cached copy local to your machine here because the linked URL here matches the URL for the image on IMDB in your local cache, instead of attempting (and failing) to re-download the linked image.

ETA, @system will likely fail to download it as well because it probably has a bot-looking UserAgent string.


Amazon can’t afford the bandwidth?


More likely it’s an IP issue, and they think banning cross-domain linking is going to some how help them enforce their copyright.

It is a movie database after all, and the whole angle of IMDB is to monetize eyeballs by encouraging visitors to buy/rent the movies on Amazon.

They probably are contractually required to block linking by the studios who grant them the rights to even show movie posters.

Or “ancient,” “prescient,” “science,” usw. It’s the dumbest putative “rule,” down there in the bilge with not splitting infinitives.

I can see it just fine here.

Yeah, it looks like @system pulled down working copies of the IMDB images just fine and is self-hosting them on the Fastly.net cdn the BBS uses.

Nah, I did it.

Wasn’t really worth the effort though, eh?

While I agree the rule has issues, (particularly the ‘i’ before ‘e’ after ‘c’ examples mentioned by another reply) ‘received’ follows the rule, and you could make an argument that ‘foreign’ and ‘feisty’ are close enough to ‘ey’ to fit that rule (not the same, but they’re closer to ‘ey’ than ‘ee’).


Is there a language that doesn’t allow for constructs like this?

“I didn’t ask for the anal probe”


You don’t even need a word to insert, simply stressing different words as a phrase is written or spoken produces big shifts in meaning…

I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.
I did not say he kicked his dog.


I like the one where you add ‘with a chainsaw’ to the end of the title of the last book you read.

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The Crooked Timber of Humanity, with a chainsaw?

Hey it works!

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At the time it appeared on my facebook feed mine was ‘The Woman Who Rides Like a Man With a Chainsaw’.


“God is Not Great With a Chainsaw”