Enjoy these bloopers from The Office

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/11/07/enjoy-these-bloopers-from-the.html

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Is there anything less funny than bloopers?

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A lot of the actors have a similar demeanor with their characters, except Dwight who is quite different altogether. I love watching Rainn Wilson switch in and out of character, seeing the contrast makes me appreciate the level of talent even more.

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They’re great fun if you’re a big fan of whatever movie. Less fun if you’re saying, “What Office?”

Maybe it’s me. I don’t like bloopers for shows and movies that I do like, and I like the office. They probably are funny if you are on the set and a member of the cast or crew.

I KILL you!!

Sometimes it’s nice to watch people have fun. But seeing how you’re edgy and all…

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aaaaaand now they’re all gone. Do these copyright bots have some kind of ability to see videos that get suddenly popular and pounce?

Edit: I did get to watch the Season 4 one Mark posted. I enjoyed it!

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