Ernst and Young subjected women employees to "training" about keeping the company's men happy

Well, to be fair, mens’ brains are like waffles - spongy and delicious with maple syrup…

But seriously, wtf? This looks like something from the 50s or some shit.


“Leadership and empowerment”: to hear that you are undesirable as a leader and you should have zero power.

I love how they get to twist and trap women into this bullshit.


You could have, and then pointed to the masculine side showing it was cool:

Willing to take a stand
Willing to take risks
Makes decisions easily

Anyone who stayed would have scored high under:


Also - I just want to say that it’s bullshit that loyalty isn’t seen as a masculine trait.


" In healthy volunteers, total brain volume weakly correlates with intelligence, with a correlation value between 0.3 and 0.4 out of a possible 1.0. In other words, brain size accounts for between 9 and 16 percent of the overall variability in general intelligence."

But as you point out there are other factors such as body size so you can’t draw the conclusion that women are less intelligent (in fact the article point out there isn’t any difference in IQ between genders). If you want to know someone’s intelligence you can check their grades, have them do an IQ-test etc, which you’d imagine E&Y had already done before hiring those women.

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Men are from Dennys and women are from IHOP.


Why are you bringing up meetings that happened in the 50’s?


Are you serious?


I read about the pancakes/waffle thing the other day, and I thought holy shit, how is this bullshit even possible in this day and age? But the whole thing is so much worse. Holy fuck.
Besides the nonsense (men have big waffle brains?), besides the awfulness (reinforcing gross gender stereotypes and holding women responsible when men take offense at women… being damn professionals?), but the weird sloppiness of this. That feminine/masculine traits checklist (which… Jesus, I have no words) also has “femininity” and “masculinity” as traits? LOLWUT?

I’m so confused by this, I’m wondering if that was their point - or that, instead, it just showed how women aren’t suitable for professional business settings. Or somehow both, because there are some other contradictions there.

Honestly surprised they didn’t work phrenology in there, but maybe in the complete materials…

I think I would have been so flummoxed, unable to believe what I was seeing and hearing, I would have sat their, stupified for the whole thing.


What an Insta Pot of absolute shit ideas.


I’m wondering why this story isn’t about a class action lawsuit; “training” like this basically sanctions workplace sexism.


I agree. let’s hope this attention might lead to that.

I’m only surprised that getting into the seminar didn’t require a bullshit NDA.


I wouldn’t be brave enough to leave, probably. But I would be live tweeting the content and my reaction as I’d be a combination of horrified, outraged, and hysterically amused.


Yeah. Guess it really depends on the corporate culture, and how afraid you are of getting canned for walking out.

Where I work now, I don’t think this sort of session would ever happen and if it did my boss would back me up on walking out. I think back to my first job out of college, and it might be a different story.


I mean, thanks for telling me how to best threaten men, I guess. They seem awfully, I dunno… emotional if a woman sitting the wrong way is all scary and upsetting.


i think a savvy woman of a certain age would be smart to find a “bro-y” company in a state with 1 party consent recording laws (such as NY) and thoroughly document the practices, then sue the shit out of their employer and retire. I’m surprised more folks don’t do this TBH. I think a good example is the woman who joined Uber, thoroughly documented her harassment, then got a ton of $:


“Men puff themselves up and occupy excess space as part of their dominance rituals, most visibly seen in the aptly-named ‘manspreading’ performance. The savvy naturalist, should they need to conduct business among men, can easily subvert this primitive behaviour by wearing one of those inflatable sumo-suits they sell at Walmart. The average man will be so thoroughly overawed by your imposing bulk that the fact that your skin appears to be made of vinyl will pass entirely unremarked.”


“Women’s brains absorb information like pancakes soak up syrup so it’s hard for them to focus” and “Men’s brains are more like waffles. They’re better able to focus because the information collects in each little waffle square.”

Hahaha! Hey, Marsha, get a load of this!



What an hysterical implication to suggest.


Certainly there are any number of men I see on Twitter who’ve aspired to childlike behavior.


I remember doing that test when I was in college, but it was treated more like a team building exercise than an actual personality test.

It was fun to divide the class into 4 groups and then give all of the groups a problem to solve and see how each group handled it. The point was to teach the need for diversity in thought when forming teams, how it can be dangerous to get a laser focus on what you think is the “best” kind of person and make a team only of that kind of person.