Originally published at: European Union opens membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova | Boing Boing
Hopefully they can get a lot done in the next few months - Hungary will assume the rotating presidency of the EU in the latter part of 2024 and you can guarantee Orban will do everything possible to frustrate Ukraine in order to win the approval of his master in Moscow.
Just sat here in Scotland, watching and weeping.
Just sat here in London, watching and weeping. (We voted 60% remain as well.)
At least Scotland might actually have this as a future option.
President of the European Commission, there is no president of the EU. There is also the President of the Council of Europe and the President of the European Parliament, where Orban and his party have next to no chance of getting power, having been kicked out of the EPP (Conservative, but in US terms they’re closer to the Democrats than the Republicans) earlier this year.
It was 70% here in Oxford. Rumour has it that some of the polling stations had no leave votes, and the leave campaign were searching for missing ballot boxes because they couldn’t understand why highly educated liberal people thought that Brexit was a really bad idea.
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