Even experts can be tricked by meaningless babble uttered by a slick BS artist

I tried it on my resident engineer here, telling him I was confused by this weird old video for some technology company. Didn’t work on him though he just kept shaking his head and saying “where did this come from? None of this makes sense? Is this a scam?” Oh well…

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I used to work at Rockwell Power Systems, very similar, but more lasers.


Sigh another Boing Boing tabloid headline…

How the hell do you get “uttered by a slick BS artist” from “hired an actor” ?

I think that’s a good way to learn, actually. One’s brain works on it subconsciously, and then upon returning to it, a lot of things become clear. I’ve noticed this on numerous occasions.


Sounds like the babble uttered by modern managers to me.

Pah! No double-ended flange twist (reverse threaded). It’d never work.




It can also get him elected president… :-/

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