Every bunny was kung-fu fighting

Is this “fighting animal” testing or fighting “animal testing”?

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He’ll likely be teaching sunday school in a couple of weeks…


And people wonder why he was a one term prez…

He was a one term president because of the media (as in this case), his fumbling of the Iran hostage crisis, how Reagan went behind his back to make a deal about that, and how he told Americans to suck it up, and wear a fucking sweater. The current president does FAR MORE EMBARRASSING THINGS, such as, you know, rape women, and cozy up to dictators because he admires them and their power, and can’t say basic words. Carter wasn’t by any means perfect (especially as he was pretty Kissingeresque on his foreign policy) but he was a far better president than the current asshole in the oval office.


Not yet, but I plan to.

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And I always thought it was mostly the olympic games thing, and cancelling joint space missions with the USSR …

… seriously, can’t we have the odd thread anymore where we can just goof around, even regarding former US presidents? Everybody here is painfully aware what’s going on, and just wants to wake up from the nightmare that is the Trump administration.

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Well, we can’t. Here we are. Goofing on perceived “red necks” isn’t going to help.

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