Every cool placeholder website ever

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This. Ugh.

it turns out the email isn’t really holy@shit.com.


I laughed, I cried, I barfed a little in my mouth.


So smug! Isn’t it a good thing that people who want to make an attractive and easy-to-use simple website have those tools? Let people differentiate themselves with their content.


This isn’t a polemic against ordinary people.

This is protesting the work of “designers”.

You think? Using the trendy stock template seems to me more like a “who needs designers, we’ll figure it out ourselves and feel really clever about it” startup-culture attitude.

Also: “we need to really stand out from the crowd! Let’s do exactly what everyone else is doing!”

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Ugh I HATE these. It’s a step backwards.

We’ve come full circle to the old Angelfire days of websites that make you SCROLL FOREVER with walls and walls of content.

Except this time it’s not content, its (usually) stock photographs and a few words.

Does it look decent for what it is? Yes, for your everman or brick-and-mortar company breaking into the online world. It’s great for an “online business card.” But with Yelp having such a high customer base, why even bother with a real website if I were a restaurant for example?

I’m tired though, of seeing companies that are ENTIRELY online or dealing with online (Games, Social Media, Advertising, etc) using these god damn templates.Your floor is FULL of people who could code a better website blindfolded (unless it isnt, then don’t worry you won’t be around long anyway.)

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