Every Playboy Playmate Centerfold Ever

I find stubble distinctly less attractive than hair, but I’ve been told that makes me weird. Images of shaven bodies simply weren’t abundant in the olden days.

Indo-European origins folk generally have more than a little fuzz by nature, but I it’s highly variable in abundance and distribution and I guess removing it is just part of our mania for homogeneity in food and everything else.

Young’ns have been raised in the porno age, and find natural hair disturbing.

An outsider might think they don’t want an adult.

But I get that is what people are socialized into now.


Another site already had all of this, but imgur is probably more convenient to browse. A few months ago I went through maybe the first hundred or so. It’s a really interesting trip through history.

I’m sure you’ll find lots of agreement among people of a certain age. Hairless genitals make me think of diaper changes, not sex. I have no idea how common shaving is for younger adults these days, though.



Interesting… as Americans got fatter, centerfolds got thinner


Not that they were generally part of the depictions, anyway, but… I have to say I prefer modern undergarments to those from the 50s.

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When I use the word “literally”, I actually mean “literally”. Otherwise the vengeful ghost of my English teacher would doubtless pursue me around the Internet reciting The Family Reunion (the other English teacher is still alive.)


Technology, it’s amazing what it can do. But, also, central heating.


I don’t consider myself young, but I am not sure they find it disturbing, per se.

My overall point was social norms and grooming habits change over time. Women used to ALL have long hair unless something was wrong with them. Men used to all have beards, and then they were for lumberjacks and hobos, and now they are cool again. Eyebrows used to be more or less ignored unless you had a unibrow, now they are sculpted.

Public hair grooming became more popular with porn because you could see things better, and many felt tidying things up looked better. (Especially in those cheap black and white mags where the heavy contrast would wash out any detail.) So just like a haircut on your head, or shaving your legs and arm pits, it became part of the grooming standard. Of course it takes all types, there are people who prefer shaved, trimmed, and wild and free.

I don’t think it has anything to do with prepubescence. Women and gay men may prefer a man with a hairy chest or a smooth chest, but does preferring a smooth chest mean prepubescence? I don’t think so. I assume that gay porn has followed the trend in straight porn with more and more men trimming or shaving their pubic hair. Does that indicate prepubescence as well?


No, but teenage-looking girls with hairless crotches do.

Guys in gay porn tend to always be either musclebound and hairless or the very hairy “bear” type; either way, they look like men, hair or not. It really isn’t a trend in most gay porn to look “barely legal” the way it is with a lot of straight porn.


March 1964 has distinct hair on her thigh. The idea that “good girls” didn’t shave above the knee lingered through the 70’s, at least. I can remember a friend of mine being shocked at the idea of doing so.


I get why a lot of people make the association, but if the “shaved” look was just about looking prepubescent then there probably wouldn’t be so much demand for female models with such big boobs or male models with so much muscle tone.

I suspect it’s just a social trend and we’ll eventually see the pendulum swing back in the other direction. Miss November 2015 seems to be making the case for a comeback.


Aren’t there people into lanky, skinny guys that are more boyish and not toned muscled men? If not, then that explains why no one hits on me…

And there is a big difference between “prepubescent” and “barely legal”. The legal age of 18 is a modern social construct. A thousand years ago 18 would have been an old maid almost. Humankind has had millions of years of paring off well before the age of 18, so the fact that men find someone younger than 18 desirable I think is partly hardwired into our primitive brains. (Remember, at our base, we are animals.)

But anyway, that is still way different than “prepubescent” which is much younger.

But to answer your question, I have never looked at a women who shave or waxed and had them remind me of 12 year old. I am sure there are people who think like that, but considering pubic grooming is mainstream, I think it is just the preferred style and a majority of men are not getting off pretending these women are prepubescent.


I think it’d be fascinating if showing a full bush in 2016 is “shocking/unique” enough to spur a comeback of pubic hair. It’s really interesting seeing trends come and go, whether it’s tattoos, body hair, body shapes, or just fashion. I loved seeing the 80s models with jogging headbands and legwarmers. Oh, 80s.[quote=“Mister44, post:73, topic:74411”]
I think it is just the preferred style and a majority of men are not getting off pretending these women are prepubescent.

I didn’t really think they were catering toward closet pedophiles with shaved bits, but it’s just interesting to see that trend be so consistent and long-lasting. Same with guys, honestly; it wasn’t that long ago that a bushy chest was considered sexy, natural, and manly, but these days, guys in sexy pictures are expected to be more or less hairless unless you’re going for the bear crowd. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for the body hair trend to go full circle.


I personally think we will see more pubic hair in the near future. Time for the pendulum to swing back.

Also, beards are no long weird and in style again. so there’s that.


Don’t forget, Rupert Murdoch first made his fortune with News Corp.'s daily UK Sun, with their circulation boosted by the famous, and usually topless, “Page 3 Girls.”

Looks like Murdoch bought National Geographic just in time.

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Earns points both for impressionist approach and for efficiency in display.

Too much information.


They asked me to fill in a questionnaire on why I hadn’t renewed my subscription. In the “any other information you wish to give us” box I wrote “Rupert Murdoch.”
A pointless act but if nobody ever says anything nobody will ever get the message.


I don’t think that it’s “shocking/unique” exactly, just that we may have seen Peak Hairlessness. Unless bald models are the next big thing, anyway.