Every Trump lie will be instantly laundered as headline news



The only classes I’ve had where calculators were 1) allowed and 2) useful were high school advanced algebra/trigonometry and any science class in high school and college. Before high school, calculators weren’t allowed, and after high school, the math was completely theoretical. In high school, we had to buy graphing calculators, which were crazy expensive and (sadly) the nearest thing I had to a computer.


Oh, I have more than my own fair share of obnoxious customer stories; I worked retail and waited tables all throughout college.

It’s partly why I make it a habit to tip decently, and why I make sure that I treat anyone in a service or domestic position with respect and dignity; to try to balance out all the assholes who get off on shitting on people in subservient jobs.

Same here.


Same here, in the sense that I was only theoretically taking any math classes.


Until recently, my university allowed calculators during exams for the calculus classes. This is actually pretty darn useful (if the tests aren’t really well designed) because the calculators in vogue these days are graphing calculators, some pretty hard to distinguish from other calculators that do the calculus and algebra for you.

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There are calculators that do calculus? What do they do, look up from tables of derivatives and integrals? How do they handle surface integrals and path integrals? Advanced calculus/modern algebra?

The modern ones use some basic symbolic algebra techniques. The calculus they do is just basic (¿limits?) derivatives and integrals, so the student would have to have the surface or path integral in the form of a standard (potentially multiple*) integral. Also, they may not be able to do even all the integration techniques that are taught and many of the automated symbolic algebra/calculus libraries do some integration techniques in surprising ways, leaving the student with something difficult to backtrack from. The TI-89 is an example.

* I’m pretty sure you can have it do multiple integrals and have no idea at all about whether they do limits.

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We had to work out the decompositions by hand, just to show we understood the theory.

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Seriously, you think that the people that didn’t bother to vote are going to be conscientious enough to care if he is telling the truth or a lie? All one has to do is read the comments on any publication about something Trump did, good bad or indifferent to see just how blindly his supporters support him. Just today someone wrote that all of the groping and the rape charge against him had been found be lies, Why? Because Trump himself said they were lies so supporters believe that to be true. There is no overestimating the laziness of the American people to believe what they want to believe.


Oh, I dunno… I think that people will often work very hard to believe that they want to believe.


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