Everyday tasks with parkour

It seemes smarter than the average parkour stunts :slight_smile: Parkour with pads is nowhere near as ironic as, say, mime with props… :thinking:


Yeah, what is the Sit and Be Fit version of parkour ?


No shit. When he did the belly flop on the trampoline I could almost feel his spine bending the wrong way. Never, ever do that.

Also not a fan of the whole “normies” nomenclature.


Nor I, but I got the sense, and I could be wrong, that here it was a bit ironic since, presumably, the parkour expert doesn’t actually perform his daily routine with such acrobatics.

But I get what you’re saying. The term normies has more than a hint of sheeple to it.

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Normal Crash pad: a pied-à-terre. A place to sleep,
Parkour crash pad: something to break ones fall.


I finally have an explanation for the upstairs neighbors we had that one time.


I figured that the upstair’s neighbor had foolishly invested in exercise equipment, and the thumping noise between 6 and 7 was to become his new routine. After a week of this, I got fed up, put on my mask, and planned to suggest that this investment be written off.

Nope. It’s from the apartment two floors above me, and my upstairs neighbor is even more pissed than me.


For absolute realz, I highly recommend the use of grocery carts to learn/practice skating. It’s like a tactical walker. I could casually do things on skates whilst pushing a cart nearly twenty years ago that I still have yet to master sans cart in all the years since.

I went to a parkour meetup a few years back. Really thought I’d be able to hang a bit further than I did. Part of it was that those dudes had no sense of how to run an open athletic event like that, and I wasn’t even the first person to bail. Another part of it, however, is also that it’s just fucking hard to fling yourself over brick walls while jumping over dumpsters. Indoors, though, with pads? Hmm, that sounds damn near reasonable.

When mom’s out shopping, step one is to get her a shopping cart, preferably one of the mini ones, as a stealth walker. I think we’ll skip the Parkour for now.

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