Originally published at: Excuse-laden helicopter pilot flies into trouble with illegal picnic in Grand Teton National Park | Boing Boing
“I had no idea where I was landing” seems like it would be at least as bad a look for a pilot as “I intentionally landed in a National Park.”
He claims he did not know where he was? Surely that is a violation of FAA requirements (else how does one know what airspace requirements apply, NOTAM boundaries, and so on). And failing to notify air traffic control of an emergency, failing to notify other aircraft of said emergency? Sounds like he could be a proud member of Bundy Aviation!
Sounds like this dickhead needs a buncha money and its flying toys taken away until it learns to behave like a civilized person.
I bet he has a YouTube channel.
I negotiated a partnership agreement with a guy one time who wanted tocarve out “helicopter-related crimes” from the provision that allowed us to terminate him for cause if he committed a felony, because he was a pilot and “what if I land in the wrong place.” (Our response was the same as to this request as to his request to carve out “lobster-related felonies” in case he took too many lobsters in his amateur lobsterman hobby: “Don’t do those things.”) I half expected his name to show up in this report, but it’s not him.
“Rules for thee, but not for me!”
“Wait, you mean I can get fired for any felony?” Seems like the kind of thing that wouldn’t bother a job applicant who wasn’t planning on committing any felonies.
Especially with a very easy to spot airport a few minutes away
That was the first thing I thought about. There is a very decent airport between the Grand Teton NP entrance and Jackson. If there was bad weather, landing closer to the mountains rather than heading for the airport in a wide open space seems like a poor decision.
He probably would’ve gotten away with it, too, if he hadn’t first stopped at Yellowstone to “Sous vide” the chicken breasts.
Heck. I’ll be the one to say it: They went there to fuck on a bunch of rocks.
They gave us our ticket and then we were out.
Was his name Cosmo by chance?
They’re a flighty lot, helicopter pilots
The Powers What Am of BB BBS won’t let me post the sentence
It still didn’t like it even after I added
I tried.
I was with you up to the part about giving him his toys back.
ETA: suddenly occurs to me, he must have known exactly where he is. You don’t land a helicopter in the middle of nowhere, because if there’s an owner of that land, they’d likely think you’re one of them Black Helicopters from the gubmint coming to take their guns and alter their pronouns.