Explore the science fiction dictionary and discover thousands of rad inventions and concepts

Originally published at: Explore the science fiction dictionary and discover thousands of rad inventions and concepts | Boing Boing


Pretty subjective though.
The entry for ‘Airboarding’ says that Stross came up with it in 2007. I remember reading the Wheelworld trilogy from Harry Harrison back in the 80’s that mentioned a diskey - display and keyboard - in mid air projected from a pendant that you wear.

edit: googled Wheelword

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It’s a shame that as far as I can tell approximately five people in the English-speaking world have read Kurd Laßwitz’ Auf zwei Planeten/Two Planets (1897).

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Yeah. First few things concepts I tested were misattributed. Though the articles itself sometimes correct this.

A a scholarly work, it’s sorely lacking.

Even something like Aero Bus misses the mark by decades.

Advertising Airship?
I remember blimps buzzing around on the early 1970ies that had (low res, by today’s standards, but still…) displays on their sides. Hundreds of lightbulbs, showing moving text or little animations.

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