Originally published at: Facebook initiative to present pro-Facebook news items | Boing Boing
Good luck with that
Wow…that’s a great idea. Let’s write good things about ourselves, instead of…you know…actually trying to change things.
Some of us can take a hint and realize that when no one is willing to come to our defense, that means we’re the asshole and need to change what we’re doing.
Pro FB news? /s
They should call it Project Pravda.
Facebook is not a legitimate news source.
Why is this hard for people to understand?
So, they’re going to make up some sock puppet ‘news source’ to post these items? 'cause just posting them as Facebook isn’t going to have the desired effect.
“News company producing good stories about themselves and their corporate owners. This and much more coming up on news channel 10, voted the most trusted news source!”
Others need an intervention. Zuckerberg is in a whole 'nother category…
“I’ve been singing this song for 20 minutes. I could sing it for another 20 minutes. I’m not proud… or tired.”
did the person who came up with this idea actually say it out loud to themselves once or twice before the pitch? because that should have stopped it right there.
Once again, more scheißberg than zuckerberg. Unfuck zuck.
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