Facebook is social media for old people

Perhaps they would like Facebook more with a nuisance-blocking extension like f.b. purity to render it minimally usable.


Yea, but everyone is just going to IG, so they still have their claws in.


I still miss LiveJournal.


I wish I could remember my user name and password, because I can’t even recall which fake e-mail account I used to sign up for it. I have some pictures of weird things in my yard and a Halloween costume I think might still be funny, but it’s not worth trying to unravel that spiderweb.


What I find to be the problem with reddit is you subscribe to some subs, you learn the info on the topic you’re interested in (let’s say vinyl records or wet shaving), and then the appeal wears off because it just becomes they same “look at my thing” posts with maybe some kind of clickbait news that everyone seems to rage at. It all gets very tedious.


Ahh, but when they become old (move away from all their friends) where will they turn for that light-touch network management? I’m guessing it will probably be a Facebook property or two.


i dunno, i find that stuff easy to filter out. Reddit makes me a master of scanning to glean good from the dross.


Ain’t nothing wrong with being old!

Except the aches and pains in my old brittle body.


Tech Nerds, reddit started off as a proto-geek board for the people who grew out of 4chan.

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Tell me about it.

Yesterday I saw a news article about it being Windows 98’s 20th birthday. It brought back a flood of memories.

Usually with these kinds of product anniversaries the memories are about the product, especially as I work in IT. But I was in my first job then, and had been there for about three years. I was looking for another job, and was starting a career with a product specialisation.

I wanted to write about that. About my youthful arrogance and innocence. About how I’d turned incompetent management and chaos at my employer into an advantage that worked for me. About how much I enjoyed it, and yet how thoroughly miserable I no doubt was if I take off my rose-tinted glasses. (I was, after all, looking for a new job!)

That’s perfect Live Journal fodder. Long form, but perhaps not something I want all the details of to be public for. So I need my friends to be there, so that I can restrict it to just them.

I might yet write it up on Dreamwidth - which is a fine service - but the lack of other people using it means that I can’t quite make it spicy and friends-lock it like we used to do. It wasn’t a blogging platform, it was a community. It was social media before anyone had the idea for social media.

I couldn’t get angry at young people not using Facebook. But I sure as hell can get angry at how everyone migrated to it, killing services like LiveJournal.

Damn you, Facebook. You’re a piss-poor shadow of what LiveJournal was to us! DAMN YOU!


I guess that FB numbers will remain high for as long as the Kremlin needs somewhere to stable its bots.


Missing item that my kids use for social media: console game system.

  • shakes fist * you kids stay off my Facebook!

Yeah, when somebody says that they “used” youtube, do they mean that they posted or just watched something?


You can still write longer stuff on FB, can’t you? Or do their algorithms dump that in the “not click-bait-y enough” pile so that it doesn’t appear in your friend’s feeds.


Post racist comments on YouTube


Another reason I always sort by “most recent.”

I’m not sure, but I think this is what people use Medium for - well, when it’s not “let me tell you about how my super-cool innovative company uses all the buzzwords to provide yet another vaguely defined service”.


SO the tl;dr is that only slightly over half of teenagers use Facebook?

You can write longer stuff, but the box is quite small. Also, the small width afforded for text on Facebook’s design makes longer writing somewhat scrolltastic… On LJ, you could pick a style that gave you more width.
Oh, and FB decides where it’ll put the “read more” cut. Which may not be where you wanted to put it.

Their friends groupings have improved over time, but for some reason I rarely do anything except Friends Only or Public. I think it’s the GUI design - LiveJournal made it much more prominent…

And finally, as you’ve identified, their algorithms mean it often gets buried in favour of a cat picture. I like cat pictures. But as someone else said, if you don’t continually force FB into “most recent”, then you have no idea if you’re seeing everything properly… LJ didn’t try to be clever like that, which I rather preferred.