Facebook is social media for old people

I did try Medium briefly, and whilst it’s fine I just didn’t keep it up. I have my own hosted website if I really wanted that. It’s (yet) another sign-in if people want to comment. There are some nice features, but it just didn’t have quite enough for me to want to continue.

And as you say, the Medium brand is now a little tarnished with the Buzzword Bingo Warriors…

However, I may try it again, to see if it’s changed. I’m sure I have a couple of drafts still in the queue…


I recently got snapchat as it’s the preferred non-work communication tool in my lab. So if I have it, yeah, you can expect teen use to plummet.


My Mom, my sister, and my sister-in-law are all on Facebook. There aren’t three more reactionary, fake-news zealous, shrill & nagging trolls all linked to each other. If you were trying to create cartoon characters of What Hip Is Not, you’d wind up with exactly these three.

If I wanted to know what these harridans were broadcasting, I’d drive over to Mom’s house and let them scold me.


Yeah, I’m sick of it too. I deactivated, not deleted, my account today and now I’ll see what life will be like from this point on. If it goes smoothly I’ll probably just do away with it entirely.


Yeah even if FB hadn’t burned me out anyway just the facts that anything on there can be read by my aunt, father, and mother… even if I block one or all of them I’ll have to answer to it and they’ll probably figure it out and literally anything I post will be spun by any one of them into something about themselves and come back to me loudly… just that is enough. That’s even without the serious trolling that goes on (within my family alone). My dad is a big fan of the post something horrific for ten minutes then delete it method. Also given that people will literally tear YOU apart for having a dysfunctional parent who posts something horrible to you on FB because OMG you didn’t protect THEM from YOUR FATHER. No just fuck it all. I’m not hip or young but I totally see why kids would be abandoning that ship. I really don’t want to give any of those people, or actually any people save for a very select few, any kind of window into my personal life, thoughts, or plans. The less known the better for me.

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Also Amazon Echo?


Existing in physical reality - 100%

Participating in physical reality - .024%

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I haven’t had a facebook account in years. This has meant a very fragmented level of contact with my family in terms of their online presence - I miss out on pics of family events, or notices of family accolades, etc.

It doesn’t bother me so much that this is true - I make this choice for my own privacy - but what does bother me is the thought of the inertia that would have to be overcome to convince my family to go elsewhere for that kind of communication. I seriously wonder if that could ever be overcome.


The main reason I remain on Facebook (other than a couple of groups I like) is because I have to talk my 88-yo aunt through using it from time to time.

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I’m old, but I find Facebook boring. All my friends post is pics of their pets, their kids and their dinners. I pay no attention to the ads. I guess there are some restaurants and other businesses that only have Facebook pages, but I forget about those, so I don’t visit them.

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Of course FB is for old people. We know have a technology that’s easy to use, exists on your phone, and you can be horrified that friends from junior high are old now, stalk exes and their exes without leaving traces, and keep up with the grandkids.
I wish I was kidding, but that’s what I see my 55-70 y.o. friends using it for.


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