Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/27/facebook-says-it-will-ban-whit.html
In a statement announcing the official ban, Facebook says the ideologies are “inherently hateful.”
What the actual fuck too them so goddamn long? Oh yeah. Eyeballs and ad money.
Good and well… the proof will be in the pudding. It will be interesting to see where they draw the line on white nationalist/separatist/supremacist content
Well, interesting for other people. I dropped them a while ago so I won’t be looking.
Rearranging deck chairs at this point.
Yeah it’s kind of like putting on your seatbelt after a car accident.
i don’t use FB, but if it amps up the pressure on the rest of the platforms, i’m all for it.
Facebook also committed to trying to deprogram people who try to post white separatist and white nationalist content to the platform by presenting them with pop-up redirects.
Maybe you were looking for redstate.com?
I’m done with FB. Time to do something else.
I’m out of “impressed” pigment, but I have three tubes of “skeptical” left. Color me with that.
What I’m surprised they aren’t doing is creating a white nationalist friendly splinter platform. Talk about a potential gold mine. Those people buy anything. They could call it… Hoodbook?
I’ll believe it when I see it.
But I’m certainly not expecting to see that Tucker Carlson or Steve King will get their accounts locked any time soon.
Deplatform right? I mean, FB isn’t looking to send people to reprogramming centers are they? /s
Gab used to be the preferred far right platform, but even they are becoming scared at how far some fascists want to go.
Or ads from that bitch Trump…
Better ten years late than never?
Countdown to the articles claiming Twitter and Facebook are the real racists for blocking racists.
That’s why I think FB needs to build the platform. They’ve shown time and time again that they really don’t give a fuck. As long as the ducats roll in.
After years and years of bullshit about how they can’t possibly moderate their platform. Years and years of aiding and abetting right-wing zealots to the degree that it’s a global problem again. Fuck Facebook.
'We can’t possibly moderate our platform" = “It’d be too expensive to moderate our platform.”
The fact this took so long is a great demonstration of how computer engineers are great at solving computing engineering problems, but their focus on systems and processes kinda shoots right past human-level existence.
I got off Fb a year or so ago – too old, too annoyed – but just like a chemical factory that just dumps arsenic into the water table because it’s cheap, FB has done a lot of bad, bad crap not just in the name of making money, but, like all stock-driven corporations, making as much money as possible with no costs paid.